So will they spend years in Marlins Stadium while they look for land to build their stadium?
So will they spend years in Marlins Stadium while they look for land to build their stadium?
Beckham group released a teaser.
They are calling it Miami Freedom Park:
You’d be surprised how many Miami locals are vehemently opposed to losing the public golf course for a soccer stadium (even with World Cup viewership doing REALLY well in Miami).
There’s a Twitter rumor going around that the golf course has lost money more often than not through the last decade. I don’t know if it’s true or a Twitter thing.
It will be a miracle if MLS in Miami does HALF as well as MLS in Orlando and Atlanta. Book it.
What is your take on the proposal? This is the exact opposite of the Marlins deal, which should make people happy.You’d be surprised how many Miami locals are vehemently opposed to losing the public golf course for a soccer stadium (even with World Cup viewership doing REALLY well in Miami).
There’s a Twitter rumor going around that the golf course has lost money more often than not through the last decade. I don’t know if it’s true or a Twitter thing.
It will be a miracle if MLS in Miami does HALF as well as MLS in Orlando and Atlanta. Book it.
What is your take on the proposal? This is the exact opposite of the Marlins deal, which should make people happy.
True. I should have stated local officials. Do you feel this proposal will get passed, based on what they are pitching? It seems very city friendly, but it does seem ¨too good to be true.¨I’m very in favor of Miami Freedom Park and Inter Miami.
But I personally know zero people in real life who care an ounce about MLS in Miami.
People in Miami care about the Miami Hurricanes and the Miami Dolphins. And the Yankees.
It seems like a no-brainer though.... from everything I’ve read, the golf course either loses money or doesn’t have much revenue. Throw in that the Soccer park/stadium will pay $4-5m/year in rent, plus the entire park will pay property taxes - I think I saw a number like $44-45M/year. The property tax part is new revenue for the city because the golf course was tax-free. That’s $50million more hat the city has at its disposal each year.You’d be surprised how many Miami locals are vehemently opposed to losing the public golf course for a soccer stadium (even with World Cup viewership doing REALLY well in Miami).
There’s a Twitter rumor going around that the golf course has lost money more often than not through the last decade. I don’t know if it’s true or a Twitter thing.
It will be a miracle if MLS in Miami does HALF as well as MLS in Orlando and Atlanta. Book it.
It seems like a no-brainer though.... from everything I’ve read, the golf course either loses money or doesn’t have much revenue. Throw in that the Soccer park/stadium will pay $4-5m/year in rent, plus the entire park will pay property taxes - I think I saw a number like $44-45M/year. The property tax part is new revenue for the city because the golf course was tax-free. That’s $50million more hat the city has at its disposal each year.
And lastly, the city as a whole can use the park on a daily basis whereas only golfers get it now, right?
I expect a stadium with full roof coverage over the stands and excellent facade design to channel ventilation into/through/out of the stands and concourse. Do that, and there’s no reason to think the architects won’t, and it’ll be a nice venue to be outside.No, you’re dead right.
But what is completely mind boggling is the complete lack of interest in the Tri-County (Dade, Broward, Palm Beach) area in MLS and its arrival in Miami.
If you try and talk about your excitement about Miami MLS with people down here two things happen:
-the person you’re talking to tilts their head before they start speaking to you.
-the person you’re talking to knows less than zero about MLS and isn’t remotely excited about having a hometown team.
What you will here from some people in Miami is, “hey I’m going to email you a petition, they want to redevelop Melreese Golf course for a soccer stadium, we don’t need a soccer stadium”.
I’m dead serious.
Inter Miami will draw GREAT when they make the playoffs. Beyond that, I have no clue how they will draw more than 10K a game. And if it’s boiling hot out, no clue how they’ll draw more than 7K.
I expect a stadium with full roof coverage over the stands and excellent facade design to channel ventilation into/through/out of the stands and concourse. Do that, and there’s no reason to think the architects won’t, and it’ll be a nice venue to be outside.
I live in Brooklyn.You live in New York I’m assuming?
Because baseball games go on for 4+ hours. No amount of cold beverages can offset that sedentary sweaty boredom.Humidity never bothered me either when I was a kid and until I lived in it for 9 months out the year as an adult.
There’s a reason they built a retractable roof baseball stadium in Miami.
Because baseball games go on for 4+ hours..