Finding a home for supporters

The guys on twitter and Facebook are doing this wrong - rushing. Rushing everything.
Just chill, build a supporters group. A large one. Not the 100 or so active member we have now, not even. Maybe 20-40 people are actively participating.
What will the supporters section seat, couple thousand? At least 5-10 thousand.
Yet 20-40 people want to decide the name, etc literally today so they can start pushing shirts and designs and logos etc. even though there isn't nearly a majority vote on the name. Not even close.
that's why I built this site. Everyone is welcome. Are you part of The Natives. Sure come here and discuss NYCFC. Are you Gotham City? You're welcome here too.
This site is for supporters of all types and from all places.
We've got a long time before 2015. Build the community first.
The guys on twitter and Facebook are doing this wrong - rushing. Rushing everything.
Just chill, build a supporters group. A large one. Not the 100 or so active member we have now, not even. Maybe 20-40 people are actively participating.
What will the supporters section seat, couple thousand? At least 5-10 thousand.
Yet 20-40 people want to decide the name, etc literally today so they can start pushing shirts and designs and logos etc. even though there isn't nearly a majority vote on the name. Not even close.
that's why I built this site. Everyone is welcome. Are you part of The Natives. Sure come here and discuss NYCFC. Are you Gotham City? You're welcome here too.
This site is for supporters of all types and from all places.

You make some strong points, although I do wonder if there's a certain psychological benefit to at least agreeing a name - there are those who like to join something new and help build something from the ground up, and there are those who prefer something established with a defined name and leadership structure and so on. There's no harm in taking your time here, but IMO it's also no bad thing to show that you are laying the groundworks and providing a bit of centralised coordination.
Indeed and if the name is rushed what will be rushed next? People need to slow down a step at times and look at the bigger picture. Information overload is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. The last thing that's needed is splits and fractures into several different groups. It will be a lot easier to build something as one big unit. I would rather have the group called "NYCFC Supporters Group" than just pick a gimmick for the sake of a gimmick. The club didn't need a gimmick with the name chosen unlike most clubs in MLS.

As for merchandise most of it (not all of it) is cheap tat to put it bluntly even if there is a nice shiny logo on it. Not the main club shirts of course (even though we haven't seen them yet) but a lot of the other stuff. I include the vast majority of sports clubs/supporters groups in that. Its a bit like the gimmick stuff people going for style over substance at times. Its ironic that fans moan about too much commercialization when so many groups are like unofficial commercial entities. People who are selling custom items for their own personal profit should be disregarded. The only importance for me with unofficial merchandise is how much goes back into the SC but not just for stronger commercial gain. Then again where will a lot of that money go? One major high quality tifo would be a good purchase but does there need to be a load of plastic flags waved around? The best merchandise is contemporary and illustrated with clever slogans the best example perhaps being "why always me." Right now it makes sense to put all financial weight behind one group. Look at Sons of Ben they work fine as a unit together despite the sheer numbers. Will go into more depth later there's a war starting in less than a hour...
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The guys on twitter and Facebook are doing this wrong - rushing. Rushing everything.
Just chill, build a supporters group. A large one. Not the 100 or so active member we have now, not even. Maybe 20-40 people are actively participating.
What will the supporters section seat, couple thousand? At least 5-10 thousand.
Yet 20-40 people want to decide the name, etc literally today so they can start pushing shirts and designs and logos etc. even though there isn't nearly a majority vote on the name. Not even close.
that's why I built this site. Everyone is welcome. Are you part of The Natives. Sure come here and discuss NYCFC. Are you Gotham City? You're welcome here too.
This site is for supporters of all types and from all places.
i just hope that we dont have like five supporters groups, iam hoping for just one large group like timbers army
Agreed, Timbers Army and Sons of Ben are two groups I've seen, and I think that the one big cohesive group is what would work best and look best
Agreed, Timbers Army and Sons of Ben are two groups I've seen, and I think that the one big cohesive group is what would work best and look best

I would like to see one organization made up of smaller clubs. How impressive would it be to see the New Amsterdam Battery, The Natives, Third Rail, City Ultras and The Warriors all come together under one common banner (whether it's Blue Brigade, Gotham City Supporters et al.) And synchronize one common song or chant. It embodies what this city is about - small communities that work together to create something great.
I would like to see one organization made up of smaller clubs. How impressive would it be to see the New Amsterdam Battery, The Natives, Third Rail, City Ultras and The Warriors all come together under one common banner (whether it's Blue Brigade, Gotham City Supporters et al.) And synchronize one common song or chant. It embodies what this city is about - small communities that work together to create something great.

That would be good, although I would ask what the differences between the different groups would be? Having several groups and having them cooperate is not a bad thing, but if the groups are just identikit versions of each other but with a different name, you'd have to ask why they aren't a single group. If they each have their own raison d'etre - geographical, based around where you meet to watch away games, or one having a family focus while another is the "smoke grenade-wielding, raucous atmosphere ultras" type etc then sure, go for it, though.
@Falastur what you touched on in the end is what I would like to see happen. I am one of many in this group and what I want may not be what anyone else wants though. As time moves on we will find our niche.
I think it would be great to have a home in each borough. That way no one has to travel more than 20 minutes to find a home.

TIL it takes 20 minutes to get from one side of Manhattan to another.

But yes, I agree with having a bar in each borough, also runs along with the 5 boroughs idea.
Exactly, so a home in each borough would be great for supporters. The important thing would be to try and have meetings in each on same day and time and communicate before and after between whoever runs the meetings.
I like this idea. I'm out in Staten Island, and I can't seem to find a bar willing to put an MLS game on. I'm wondering if the NYCFC affiliation with the Yankees might help a bit with this.

I also live out in Staten Island and there are a couple of places that would certainly host us for games. Mother Pug's on Forest Avenue and Nurnberger Bierhalle both would show games and I'm friends with both of the owners as well.
I also live out in Staten Island and there are a couple of places that would certainly host us for games. Mother Pug's on Forest Avenue and Nurnberger Bierhalle both would show games and I'm friends with both of the owners as well.
Try and make it happen. We would really like to have at least one goto place in each borough.
Absolutely, I'm more than willing to spearhead this. Mother Pug's is a great dive bar that would certainly accommodate us. and Nurnberger just opened the bierhalle in addition to their regular bar, both are great but he hasn't put TVs in the Bierhalle yet, they're coming though. Great food as well. I'm down for whatever most people are into.
The guys on twitter and Facebook are doing this wrong - rushing. Rushing everything.
Just chill, build a supporters group. A large one. Not the 100 or so active member we have now, not even. Maybe 20-40 people are actively participating.
What will the supporters section seat, couple thousand? At least 5-10 thousand.
Yet 20-40 people want to decide the name, etc literally today so they can start pushing shirts and designs and logos etc. even though there isn't nearly a majority vote on the name. Not even close.
that's why I built this site. Everyone is welcome. Are you part of The Natives. Sure come here and discuss NYCFC. Are you Gotham City? You're welcome here too.
This site is for supporters of all types and from all places.

There's supporter groups already?! Are any affiliated with NYC FC or just start ups?
There's supporter groups already?! Are any affiliated with NYC FC or just start ups?

All the SG's are completely independent from the clubs. It's not to say the club refuses to work with the groups, it's just not something that exists currently.

There are a number of small SG's around but our goal here at NYCF is to unite the groups so that we can all have one common hub.

As time moves on and this group grows we will eventually transform into a proper Supporters Group. We feel it's premature to take that step at the moment. We want it done right the first time.

Build the community first.
I don't necessarily have a problem with the Facebook/Twitter SC. They have 200+ people on their facebook page, and the preliminary poll runs through May 1. That is not even the final poll, they will then take the top 5 names for a week-long poll later in the month. By then, they may have 1000 members.

If anything, the problem is that there does not seem to be a lot of overlap between us and them. I would encourage the members on this board to be active on the Facebook site so our voice can be heard. If they won't come to us, we should go to them. Swallow the pride and unite.
The founders of those groups are all on here as well. I've talked to then about bringing everything to the forum where it is all centralized and organized and all that good stuff.
The problem with the Facebook group is it won't work well when it's active. There isn't any organization and things just sink to the bottom.
Also, with choosing a name so early it will rub future supporters the wrong way. 10 months out from the start of the season and you're missing out on thousands of members having a chance to voice themselves.
This could potentially lead to multiple groups forming which would be disappointing.
The founders of those groups are all on here as well. I've talked to then about bringing everything to the forum where it is all centralized and organized and all that good stuff.
The problem with the Facebook group is it won't work well when it's active. There isn't any organization and things just sink to the bottom.
Also, with choosing a name so early it will rub future supporters the wrong way. 10 months out from the start of the season and you're missing out on thousands of members having a chance to voice themselves.
This could potentially lead to multiple groups forming which would be disappointing.
What is their response?
I know one of them is down but showing reluctance elsewhere. Hopefully everyone comes around before too late.