Finding a home for supporters

I know one of them is down but showing reluctance elsewhere. Hopefully everyone comes around before too late.
So if we are being realistic, the name is likely going to be decided on Facebook. We have to make the best of the situation as it is, and try to avoid ending up with split supporters groups. With the options available, isn't it best to encourage our members to join their group to 1. create unity and 2. have our voices heard in regards to the name?
I know one of them is down but showing reluctance elsewhere. Hopefully everyone comes around before too late.
I think they'll eventually trickle over.

As you've mentioned the format on FB isn't exactly meant for encouraging conversation. We have threads here that have been active for weeks. Facebook, if a thread is dormant for 5 hours it becomes ancient history.

I hope they make the switch here. If it's an issue of their leadership wanting the maintain leadership - it's something that can be discussed here.
I'm off tomorrow I'll get into deeper discussion with them.
This site mainly acts as a supporter forum. Not necessarily an entity/group. It's just a place for FANS not necessarily SG's to discuss the team. A lot of our members are foreign.
When a name/group is decided upon I'll make a sub forum for members of that group to have discussions in private. But he remainder f the forum will continue to act as a home for fans.
I think they'll eventually trickle over.

As you've mentioned the format on FB isn't exactly meant for encouraging conversation. We have threads here that have been active for weeks. Facebook, if a thread is dormant for 5 hours it becomes ancient history.

I hope they make the switch here. If it's an issue of their leadership wanting the maintain leadership - it's something that can be discussed here.
I understand that you guys are working on it, and you have good reasons for this being the central support site, as opposed to Facebook. But I still think a contingency plan is needed if they do not come over. I am not suggesting we abandon this website for them, just supplement it so that we can have influence there as well.
Check my reply above.
My primary GOAL for this website is to act as a hub for 'fans' not a supporter group.
There will be a lot more fans of the club than members in the SG.
We can not alienate everyone that doesn't want to label themself as SG. A LOT of our members don't live in NY thus won't join a supporters group. Especially one that requires payment to join.
If a supporters group wants to call our forums home or use our site in any way I would make a private section that is protected so only members of the group can access and then create them a registration process for other wanting to join.
That's what I have discussed and will continue to discuss.
A website with tens of thousands of guests (which we WILL grow to) by the start of the season speaks louder than a SG on Facebook with a couple hundred members.
I've already had acquisition firms contact me and attempt to negotiate an offer because they know of the traffic this forum will draw as we get closer to the season.
No chance I would abandon it. Everyone needs a voice and a forum, so to speak, to be heard.
Understood. But in that case, coming up with a supporters group name has nothing to do with this website. The threads you have started about choosing a SG name are very misleading. Instead of having a poll, you should link to the Facebook poll, as that is the Supporters Group base of operations as of now, and it is the only place where our opinions will affect the outcome.
The polls are simply for ideas.
Not everyone has Facebook nor wants to present them self publicly on facebook and not everyone wants a SG

I'll talk to Buckley tomorrow and see if we can hash everything out.
A lot of people actively involved in the FB group are also actively involved here.
I can't prevent people from talking about the SG either and a lot of our members have brought up valid points which were then taken by the SG on FB and used or talked about there in turn.
NYC is a BIG city. If people want to start multiple groups because they feel alienated due to a name or location of the SG home base I can't prevent them from doing so.
I think you are getting a bit defensive about the topic. Let me reiterate, this is not an attack on this website, I much prefer this to Facebook.

However, (I can only speak for myself but I assume there are others like me) until recently I was not aware that the NYCFC SG had a Facebook page where they were conducting a name vote. I thought this site was the forum extension of the NYCFC SG. I just think the members of this site should understand that there is a SG being formed at it is not on this site. Just so they don't miss having an influence on its formation.

That is all.
I think you are getting a bit defensive about the topic. Let me reiterate, this is not an attack on this website, I much prefer this to Facebook.

However, (I can only speak for myself but I assume there are others like me) until recently I was not aware that the NYCFC SG had a Facebook page where they were conducting a name vote. I thought this site was the forum extension of the NYCFC SG. I just think the members of this site should understand that there is a SG being formed at it is not on this site. Just so they don't miss having an influence on its formation.

That is all.

I agree with you and I'll try to talk to them. However, if it doesn't get anywhere it can not be my responsibility to advertise them. I created this website and invested A LOT of money because of my passion for the club (design in the works, giveaways, etc) to bring fans together And offer them a voice and I've had a few talks with NYCFC and thrown ideas around. One of which is being considered now.
With that being said, it's not my responsibility to put a big sign up saying THIS WAY TO SG. I have less than 300 followers on Twitter and the site has over 100 members, they combined have thousands of followers. If they're not actively recruiting that's on them. Or people just can't find it.
That's where the problem lies. There is an SG that you and many others obviously didn't know about. That's a red flag right there. Not easily accessible, will not show up on google searches (we will once our site is ranked, takes some time), and not available to everyone as not everyone wants a FB account.
Fair enough. But as a NYCFC supporter, I will put up that sign.
One of the reasons NYCF has been growing the past couple weeks is because we (the members) have been actively promoting. A substantial number of our members came from Reddit. I scour Reddit multiple times daily and have yet to see a post directing users to the FB group. Not to mention the FB group is a closed group.

NYCF is an open forum. Open for anyone to view or join.

The issue is not between NYCF and NYCFC SC. The issue is with having a site dedicated to an SG versus a Facebook Group dedicated to a select few people.
@einwindir brings up a solid point.
A lot of our members here actively promote the site because they find it welcoming and it's nice being able to openly engage in discussion without character limitations and so on.
Ultimately all of us, even those like myself who can not take part in an SG, want a large and successful SG because they will bring the atmosphere to the games.
I'm talking to Buckley right now and I think we will find some sort of a agreement. If not and that is their choice to stay on fB I will support it and make a SG section that redirects to Facebook.
What we need is what the American Outlaws have done. We need a web page dedicated to just the supporters group. Not just a Facebook page that is a closed page
What we need is what the American Outlaws have done. We need a web page dedicated to just the supporters group. Not just a Facebook page that is a closed page
I'm talking to Buckley tonight. We will see if they'd be willing to call this home.
What needs to be understood is that the SG will be a group of fans that will be expected to attend nearly every home game and chant the team on and so on. Like you see with a cheering section at any club be it MLS or BPL they're often very loud and proud.
$$ for membership is sometimes required to show loyalty. If you fit the bill then the SG is for you. Not necessarily for you if you're a casual fan.
I do agree that if the FB Supporters group decides to run solo then they NEED a website. Not some warriors.blogspot either. Has to be legit .com and invest in a professional web design. If they're going to represent the team they need to look the part.
Actually I did pass along the info. I believe in having a central independent site and not outcast members for not using certain social medias. I myself have gone back to twitter so I am now on Facebook,Twitter, Google+ and :cool: