I think we should recap what we have seen so far in order to isolate where we think improvement can really be made.
I think Kreis choose a flat 4-4-2 because he recognizing the deficiency in our fullbacks going forward. By moving two midfielder out wide, they're in a better position to provide width in the attacking half when necessary.
However, I've noticed that our outside mids are given a ton of freedom to pinch in. Velasquez and Grabavoy have ended up playing a CAM role in multiple attacks, most notably on Villa's goal against the Revs. In other words, the same principles of the diamond midfield are being used, just from a wider formation to make up for the fullback deficiencies.
In contrast to the forward position of the outside mids, both Mix and Jacobson appear to play pretty recessed in holding roles. Mix has been given some freedom to run foward, but it appears Jacobson is playing the closest thing to the CDM role. He rarely seems to run forward, likely told to just be out there to cover for Mix and help maintain possession.
Not that this is news, but I think Kreis' selection of scheme tells me he also identifies CDM and fullback as our weak points. Jacobson is given help by holding Mix back a bit, and our fullbacks are so useless that we just moved our attacking midfielders wide.
Our only hope at improving either of those spots internally is Poku. I hope he starts rotating in with Jacobson fairly soon. At fullback, I'd like to see Facey at RB as a temporary solution, and bring in an international LB in place of Brovsky this summer. In the best case scenario, an in-form Poku, Lampard, Xavi, and international LB could move to a 4-4-2 diamond for the second half of the season:
*Also hoping Mendoza puts the pieces together in training and starts earning starts over Wingert.