This morning, the club hosted a small group roundtable with 6-7 fans including me. Jon Patricof, fan rep Doug Bennet, and Matt Pellegrino, (Director, Operations) were there. No major announcements or news. I think it was scheduled because yesterday's announcement was coming, but I don't know that. My invite just came Saturday evening.
Regarding Hartford, their points were:
There was some disagreement among the fans as to whether it would have been better to announce the need to reschedule before they could announce the alternate site. Patricof took notes while both those sides were being presented. It's possible if this happens again they could be more open during the process. They understood that the email selling the Hartford game was a little too happy happy.
- a grass surface was a priority
- the place that gives the team the best chance to win was a priority - Pellegrino said this to me after the meet when I was chatting with Doug and he joined us
- every site that was discussed online yesterday was given consideration
- the deal wasn't done until the day before
Patricof also stressed that whatever you think about the Hartford site as an emergency alternative, it has nothing to do with final stadium location and this wasn't some test to gauge reaction to a site outside the 5 boros. They are as committed to that as ever. He really stressed this.
A few other items were discussed, but nothing worth reporting.
Just one last observation: find someone who loves you the way David Villa loves NYCFC, and the way Patricof loves David Villa. The respect, admiration and affection that Jon has for David really comes through when he talks about Villa.
Here's one thing I don't understand. If they know they screwed up, if they know the email was too happy-happy, if they know the fans would be so outraged, if they know they should have been up-front ...
Then why didn't they do all those things as it was happening? Why was this bungled so badly when they KNOW they bungled it?
Our front office shoots itself in the foot more than any professional sports team I've ever seen.