Kreis Ups The Ante On Post-game Comments

Sounds like a clarification. He took out the effort part of it, since that was patently false. Also sounds like he might have been told to turn it down.
I read it a little differently, and think questioning "heart" and accusing them of "giving up" and "quitting" could be taken worse by players. Even the effort part could be read to simply suggest that some had given sufficient effort up until the point when they quit (it's the writer who is suggesting he modified the effort implication).
I read it a little differently, and think questioning "heart" and accusing them of "giving up" and "quitting" could be taken worse by players. Even the effort part could be read to simply suggest that some had given sufficient effort up until the point when they quit (it's the writer who is suggesting he modified the effort implication).
It was funny to read the columbus crew recap of the game. Parkhurst said they dominated the entire game, whereas I thought their goals were scored against the run of play. We did give up, but it looked like it was because they were exhausted from trying so hard all game. We have good, talented, high character players. Questioning any aspect of their desire to win is ridiculous and the sign of a clueless genius.
Just sounds frustrated, which is understandable. The guys flat out quit against LA, and I tend to agree with his assessment at the end of the Columbus game as well.

This has implications for the playoff chase, but that's a long shot no matter how hard the team plays. Whether Kreis admits it or not this has to partially be setting things up for next season. It's evaluation time - who's a keeper, who has a role to play next season and who should they be ready to part ways with? These next couple months will provide more clarity.
Is kreis to blame? Yes but a large burden has to be out on the players, who play the game. And we all know there are world beaters on this team, but they haven't showed it yet. I agree with everything kreis said, even though it doesn't really change things if Lampard or others don't change their attitude and work rate.
Is kreis to blame? Yes but a large burden has to be out on the players, who play the game. And we all know there are world beaters on this team, but they haven't showed it yet. I agree with everything kreis said, even though it doesn't really change things if Lampard or others don't change their attitude and work rate.

Well you seem to be changing your tune...albeit slowly.

I thought this was hilarious " ...I am an emotional guy...." - sure as hell got me on that one Kreis.
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I thought this was hilarious " ...I am an emotional guy...."
Just because he keeps a stiff upper lip on the outside doesn't mean he's not all torn up on the inside. It's tough to be Kreis!
He has the nerve to talk about effort ? He sits his ass on the bench for nearly the entire match. I think the last time he stood and barked was in NYRB arena. The players quickly turn into a broken record, wobbling around the turntable. He needs to make subs that change the flow of the match, not slow it down even more. He can up his match day efforts too. I agree with what he said and I am so happy that he said it. But now its time to see if anyone even cares to show heart in the next match. Hopefully these 2 weeks are positive for us.
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Public shaming and unwillingness to take any responsibility. Loving his coaching staff while hating his players. I don't know how anyone can consider this guy an inspiring coach who players would want to play for.

Don't get me wrong, the coach's job is sometimes to call out players. But to do it this publicly while putting himself on a pedestal is just horrible, horrible leadership.

He has the nerve to talk about effort ? He sits his ass on the bench for nearly the entire match. I think the last time he stood and barked was in NJRB arena.

Agreed, I hate when managers just sit on the bench looking disinterested all match. I wouldn't have a huge problem with his comments if he left out the part about the coaches caring, kinda turns it all into an us vs them sort of thing.
I see it more as a shot at the players who are supposed to lead, be it Hernandez in the back line or even Villa. They have been with the team all year, they are the on field leaders. Obviously can't refer to Lampard , since he was not part of the LA game or the second Columbus goal. I doubt he expects the new signings (pirlo, Iraola) to be the leaders. If they were than that is a bigger problem having just joined. To me it's on the players who have been there all year, and have the team experience.
I think there are a few problems in the locker room. Ignoring Kreis, and yes, that's a big thing to ignore...

1. There are many languages being spoken in the locker room: English, Spanish, Italian, Mix, etc. Our captain David Villa speaks Spanish and he hasn't been doing any NYCFC website interviews in English recently. The majority of the players on the field have English as their primary language. Maybe there is difficult with players communicating with each other. Quoting Lord of War, "You always resort to your native tongue in times of anger. And in times of ecstasy."

2. We don't have a consistent lineup so there isn't a leader of the defense, the midfield, the attack. Players can't gel with each other, get to know their playing styles well, how they work, what help they need, etc.

3. Yankee Stadium isn't the best for playing soccer, it's a problem and may affect players. But they are professionals and should ignore this problem.

4. I don't think David Villa should be the captain. Making him captain was primarily for PR reasons. That ginger guy on the Red Shits is their captain. He's not their best player, but he's the best guy to be captain. The only players I can remember to wear the captain armband were Villa, Grabavoy, and Jacobson (US Open Cup game). I think Mix should be the captain. He has the personality, the USMNT, and the fans behind him.

5. Salaries may have an affect on people. Villa gets $6M, Lampard gets $6M, Pirlo gets $2M. And the latter two haven't been doing much work. There are a lot of hard working guys getting paid shit on this team.
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I think it begs the question: Is the problem the motivator or the unmotivated?
I make you right. Deflection.
His comments will have lost most of the dressing room. The end is neigh.
The only thing I would excuse him for is; the squad is unbalanced. The defence is a shambles.
That will be fixed in the off season, sadly I don't feel Kreis will improve tactically. Caution is deep within him.
With the talents at his disposal, he could pick a powerful attacking unit to outscore the opposition.
1. There are many languages being spoken in the locker room: English, Spanish, Italian, Mix, etc. Our captain David Villa speaks Spanish and he hasn't been doing any NYCFC website interviews in English recently. The majority of the players on the field have English as their primary language. Maybe there is difficult with players communicating with each other. Quoting Lord of War, "You always resort to your native tongue in times of anger. And in times of ecstasy."

I think people grossly overrate the language barrier thing. In the Euro leagues you have teams made up of players speaking all types of languages. This isn't a problem for them, why do folks think it's a problem here? Makes no sense. This isn't our problem. Our problems start at the top with Kreis.
I think people grossly overrate the language barrier thing. In the Euro leagues you have teams made up of players speaking all types of languages. This isn't a problem for them, why do folks think it's a problem here? Makes no sense. This isn't our problem. Our problems start at the top with Kreis.

I think the players in European leagues are much better than players in the US, so its less of an issue. They know the game better.
I really don't get all the Kreis hate. Guy is a proven winner in MLS. Beside his first season, RSL made the playoffs every single year he coached, 2 finals, and 1 MLS Cup. A team like the Sounders would be licking their chops if we make the stupid move and get rid of him.

Alot of you guys are scapegoating him for how shitty our roster has been constructed but you don't see any Reyna Out threads. Is it Kreis' fault that we have a billion CMs that play the same position, no wingers, and no one that can defend? Is it his fault that we lack MLS quality depth because we are an expansion side? No amount of tactics can change those facts.

Someone will respond about not playing Poku or have a second striker next to Villa but the reason we have those issue is because of Andrea Pirlo signing. There is just no tactic that we can play our big name players because of how terrible Pirlo has been defensively. If we had two defensive studs next to Pirlo (like Vidal or Pogba) in the midfield and two stud centerbacks (like Barzagli and Chiellini) it would be a different story, but we don't. We are an expansion team with replacement level players as are centerbacks and lack a true CDM destroyer that could pair up well him in the double pivot. Kreis has also just about played everyone at the wing and everyone has been poor or mediocre. When he changes things up, you criticize him. When he doesn't change things up you criticize him.

Criticizing him for his "lazy" demeanor on the sideline is ridiculous. This isn't basketball or football where a coach calls plays on the sideline and have a direct impact on the game. There are no time outs or stoppages in play where a coach can coach. Players on the field can't hear a manager on the sidelines nor should they be paying attention to the sideline. They should be paying attention to the game being played and executing the game plan. As fun as Miguel Herrera was to watch on the sideline for Mexico never knowing if he would spontaneously combust, those types of antics IMHO have ZERO impact on the game on the field.

Kreis is 100% correct about the effort the last two games and that is 100% on the players. These guys are professional athletes, not 3rd graders on a rec team. No need to baby them. They need to show up regardless of the circumstances of the season give their best effort. If they don't, they deserve to be called out on it.

It would look so bad on us as club to fire Kreis. Every experienced MLS manager would avoid us like the plague if they saw a manager as good as Kreis not get the tools he needs to succeed and get fired after 1 season. Give the man tools and time and we will be fine.
I really don't get all the Kreis hate. Guy is a proven winner in MLS. Beside his first season, RSL made the playoffs every single year he coached, 2 finals, and 1 MLS Cup. A team like the Sounders would be licking their chops if we make the stupid move and get rid of him.

Alot of you guys are scapegoating him for how shitty our roster has been constructed but you don't see any Reyna Out threads. Is it Kreis' fault that we have a billion CMs that play the same position, no wingers, and no one that can defend? Is it his fault that we lack MLS quality depth because we are an expansion side? No amount of tactics can change those facts.

Someone will respond about not playing Poku or have a second striker next to Villa but the reason we have those issue is because of Andrea Pirlo signing. There is just no tactic that we can play our big name players because of how terrible Pirlo has been defensively. If we had two defensive studs next to Pirlo (like Vidal or Pogba) in the midfield and two stud centerbacks (like Barzagli and Chiellini) it would be a different story, but we don't. We are an expansion team with replacement level players as are centerbacks and lack a true CDM destroyer that could pair up well him in the double pivot. Kreis has also just about played everyone at the wing and everyone has been poor or mediocre. When he changes things up, you criticize him. When he doesn't change things up you criticize him.

Criticizing him for his "lazy" demeanor on the sideline is ridiculous. This isn't basketball or football where a coach calls plays on the sideline and have a direct impact on the game. There are no time outs or stoppages in play where a coach can coach. Players on the field can't hear a manager on the sidelines nor should they be paying attention to the sideline. They should be paying attention to the game being played and executing the game plan. As fun as Miguel Herrera was to watch on the sideline for Mexico never knowing if he would spontaneously combust, those types of antics IMHO have ZERO impact on the game on the field.

Kreis is 100% correct about the effort the last two games and that is 100% on the players. These guys are professional athletes, not 3rd graders on a rec team. No need to baby them. They need to show up regardless of the circumstances of the season give their best effort. If they don't, they deserve to be called out on it.

It would look so bad on us as club to fire Kreis. Every experienced MLS manager would avoid us like the plague if they saw a manager as good as Kreis not get the tools he needs to succeed and get fired after 1 season. Give the man tools and time and we will be fine.
This might have some glimmer of truth if Kreis wasn't involved in every one of the crappy personnel decisions. He did all the crappy Brovsky type pickups prior to the season, he was the one scouting in SA that got us Mendoza. He's the one that has been running a 4231 with no wingers, no CDM and no target striker. He's the one that refused to make any positive changes during the losing streak. He's the one that has abused mix and poku to the media. To try to claim that getting Pirlo is some kind of burden on our coach is ridiculous. Kreis has been in total control since the start, and now he is trying to blame everyone except himself.

We've all met someone like Kreis before. A dickhead who stepped in shit somewhere and had success, then believed he was the genius everyone said he was. He needs a big piece of humble pie and he's getting it like it or not. Our only hope is that Villa, Lampard and Pirlo can take over this team from him and make a miracle happen.