Well lads, after reading the last 50 or so comments since I've been able to take a short nap I can say one thing:
We now have a legitimate club forum.
We now have a legitimate club forum.
Now we need another one, so I can switch tabs when I'm procrastinating. Maybe they'll not announce the 3rd DP for a while so we have something to talk about.Well lads, after reading the last 50 or so comments since I've been able to take a short nap I can say one thing:
We now have a legitimate club forum.
There's a reason a lot of people liked your post. We agree with you. Instead of making a general statement AT the community please quote those and reply to those you disagree with. Only a few supporters disagree with this signing. The large majority of us agree with it.
By generalizing all you're doing is upsetting those who do agree with you and are on your side.
This then leads you to believe people just don't like you because you're a MCFC fan. No it's because you're generalizing our community and supporters and labeling us as something we are not.
Very possible that it's exactly as he says. However, it seems inarguable that his comments serve his interests (that's his intent, yes?). It doesn't make it false, but he's making these comments with a particular agenda in mind. That's why he leads with the "15 or 16" players before he gets back to the fact that it was indeed only a few around when the situation occurred. So Mr. Morris, are you saying that the press report was accurate on the number of people involved in the questionable behavior? Sounds like it.
It probably wasn't some all out malicious verbal assault. And it probably wasn't quite the railroad job he's describing. Or maybe it was. Either way, it sucks that what should be a celebratory moment is diminished by perceptions of the event.
That's why I haven't picked up a copy of the News in years. The paper flat out sucks. Personally I think they have an agenda, but I'll keep my tinfoil hat opinions to myself.Daily news won't bother publish his side of the story
FL8 Interview
Wish more videos could be embedded
Not to bang this drum again, but notice how crucial Lampard says Ferran Soriano and Brian Marwood were in selling NYCFC to him when they met - MCFC's CEO and CFA respectively.
MCFC are playing a huge part in building NYCFC.
Dude, read the whole thread. There are plenty of reasonable arguments about a better fit for the team and league. You disagree. So it is noted.It only "sucks" because people like you are dwelling on it.
It seems the people who are placing this under a microscope are the same people who are skeptical about Lampard's merits as a footballer, and in lieu of being able to muster a reasonable argument in respect of football, this overblown incident 13 years ago serves the agenda nicely.
What he did was stupid, but it was the behaviour of a young footballer, drunk and obnoxious, not deliberately insulting. IMO.
The question you might wish to ask of this incident is intent. Did he intend to insult the Americans present, or was he just enjoying himself behaving like a drunken lout with his teammates, in which Americans were present among a number of nationalities, and the Americans present wrongly interpreted their behaviour as disrespect?
The fact that he was reluctant to apologise at the time would suggest this was the case. As apologising would be recognition of implicit disrespect and wrongdoing, rather than a misunderstanding.
But I digress, if you don't rate Lampard as a footballer, present a reasonable argument to support your case. This incident 13 years ago shouldn't cloud your judgement.
Dude, read the whole thread. There are plenty of reasonable arguments about a better fit for the team and league. You disagree. So it is noted.
Thanks for coming here to teach me the right way to be a fan.Yeah, I didn't read much worth taking note of. A lot of bitching and some wishful lusting after other players.
That and you describing yourself as a "consumer" and the club as a "product", and that if they don't meet your expectations then you'll say so.
Kinda my point about a lack of perspective and a sense of entitlement.
And so the Tevez Poster gets another outing.
Thanks for coming here to teach me the right way to be a fan.
I'm really looking forward to it because the next meaningful contribution you make to this board will be your first.
Thanks for coming here to teach me the right way to be a fan.
I'm really looking forward to it because the next meaningful contribution you make to this board will be your first.
Yeah, having read your 'contributions' I don't think I'll lose much sleep after your critique of mine.
Well, I've certainly been accused of packing a roll of half-dollars in my pocket before, but that's just not true.Now that pleasantries have been exchanged I think we can begin the cage fight. Neither of you are wearing brass knuckles, holding rolled up coins, or hiding knives in your shorts, yeah?
Well, I've certainly been accused of packing a roll of half-dollars in my pocket before, but that's just not true.
(I'd end this with #blessed, but I'm not sure if that's enough of a thing over there for the humor to translate.)
Eta: I don't do cage fights. Too commercial these days.
As long as it doesn't require accuracy. I can't piss straight anymore.Cage fights not for me either, too much grappling and sweating, too much like foreplay.
Perhaps a good old fashioned pissing contest?
Crumpet munching Limey vs Gun toting 'Murican.
I'll have you know I'm undefeated however.