What happened here doesn't represent the rest of us.
I know this, I also know people are getting too far wound up with a holding company created to house clubs to keep finances away from prying eyes. If they wish to fixate upon an office of a handful of people then be my guest.
I also know that I wind the odd person up here; this is not my goal, nor my wish. I speak what I know to be the truth and what I have learned over the years. I am here to follow NYCFC and NYCFC only (sounds silly to say but I feel it needs to be clarified for some reason), and you can take what I say or not, I don't care. What I do expect though is a reasoned debate - I cannot learn anything here from abuse, but I can learn from those closer to the action so to speak.
NYCFC will be massive and immense, and I look forward to this. Who knows what will happen in the future but I sure as hell am going to enjoy the ride we are on.