Mls CBA 2015 Thread

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RSL's team always struck me as a pretty classy bunch...but their owner seems like an asshole.
Except his players on average are paid pretty well, he paid off all their team debt and was just willing to pay $20 million for a new USL stadium.

Sad thing is, he is probably just saying what the other owners feel as well.
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Being willing to invest in your business and being an asshole don't strike me as mutually exclusive....

Btw, his players are probably well paid because he knows he's not going to get big name players in Salt Lake anytime soon.
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At this point, from the players perspective I wouldn't strike, but I would sue the league and try to break up their dumbass single entity.
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At this point, from the players perspective I wouldn't strike, but I would sue the league and try to break up their dumbass single entity.
Someone has already shown that MLS can have their cake and eat it, too, via a comparison to state university systems. They can have free agency while also limiting the amount the owners bid against each other AND keep single-entity.

To me, that's a huge mistake on their part if they don't follow that advice because at the minimum they're going to agree to keep giving the players bigger paychecks and bigger paychecks until one of these CBA negotiations gets really nasty because the players will have the financial means to strike an entire season. The owners are painting themselves into a corner...
Being willing to invest in your business and being an asshole don't strike me as mutually exclusive....

Btw, his players are probably well paid because he knows he's not going to get big name players in Salt Lake anytime soon.
My point is RSL is among the top 5 or so total spent on players but no one there is making millions like other teams. One reason they have made the playoffs a record 7 years in a row.
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They tried and lost... twice.
District Court initial lawsuit:
Court of Appeal upheld the lower court:

I hate single entity :/
I think a salient point to come out of that suit was that the supreme court did not rule on single entity on appeal, but they did say it was not a true single entity it was a hybrid, with parts of both a single entity and a group of competitors. That was prior to the league having DPs. And that was at a time when owners controlled multiple teams. Times have changed since then.
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Not sure what DPs really matter but the no owner owning more than 1 team thing could be an important development.
They tried and lost... twice.
District Court initial lawsuit:
Court of Appeal upheld the lower court:

I hate single entity :/
Sorry but you guys really sound like crying n00bs. If it wasn't for the single entity structure and billionaires willing lose 100s of millions for soccer, it wouldn't have lasted 20 years.

Now is it time for change, probably. The world market pressures seem to be at a tipping point for MLS to advance a level. But to just say the owners suck and MLS is stupid just shows ignorance.
Sorry but you guys really sound like crying n00bs. If it wasn't for the single entity structure and billionaires willing lose 100s of millions for soccer, it wouldn't have lasted 20 years.

Now is it time for change, probably. The world market pressures seem to be at a tipping point for MLS to advance a level. But to just say the owners suck and MLS is stupid just shows ignorance.
I think you probably could have gotten your point across in a better way
Sorry but you guys really sound like crying n00bs. If it wasn't for the single entity structure and billionaires willing lose 100s of millions for soccer, it wouldn't have lasted 20 years.

Now is it time for change, probably. The world market pressures seem to be at a tipping point for MLS to advance a level. But to just say the owners suck and MLS is stupid just shows ignorance.
Sometimes you're a total jackass...
So what Magnus is saying is "you're all n00bs ...but I agree with what you're saying."