MLS Cup Playoffs - December 11 - Portland (Away)

Still waiting to get tickets this afternoon but everything else is booked. Portland is a nice city although they have a few problems that need to be addressed. Was just there last month and didn't think I'd be going back so soon. If anyone needs food recs, let me know!
The curved end where the Portland supporters are was the outfield wall. It was meant for baseball.

Worse is the turf - supposedly grass can’t grow there so that is why they have the turf field.
The curved end where the Portland supporters are was the outfield wall. It was meant for baseball.

Worse is the turf - supposedly grass can’t grow there so that is why they have the turf field.

That excuse has never made sense to me. If they can have a grass field in st paul minnesota, they can have it anywhere.
Taty is an obvious swap but I don’t see Ronny changing the remaining lineup. It’s worked to get us this far and he’ll stick to it. Make changes in the second half if need be. I wouldn’t fault him if that ends up being the case. His subs were very good against Philly and he went for it. Expect the same against Portland if need be. The only change I’d really want is Gudi
That excuse has never made sense to me. If they can have a grass field in st paul minnesota, they can have it anywhere.

timbers fans say that there is some river that runs below the stadium so natural grass wont be able to grow or something.
so grass can't grow but they can build an entire structure directly over a river? gimme a break. grass only needs a foot or so of soil.

i have no idea. i vaguely remember that was the reason they gave. either that or their owner thinks its too costly to do all that and rather keep the artificial grass.
Taty is an obvious swap but I don’t see Ronny changing the remaining lineup. It’s worked to get us this far and he’ll stick to it. Make changes in the second half if need be. I wouldn’t fault him if that ends up being the case. His subs were very good against Philly and he went for it. Expect the same against Portland if need be. The only change I’d really want is Gudi
The only other change I would consider is Gudi at LB.

Malte was very poor on Sunday and he can definitely be better, but maybe Gudi starts instead. I'm honestly fine with whatever direction Deila wants to go at LB.
Thanks Lion, I sent an email to their membership email address. Hopefully that works -- none of the other suggestions seem to be working.

Fingers crossed!
You have to understand they'll be prioritize getting tickets for more tenured Third Rail members before people just signing up now.