Montreal's 3 subs at the half had a lot to do with them coming out strong, and credit to Nancy for recognizing that their lineup needed a jolt. Then our third goal came after Ronnie chose our first subs but before they could come in. We settled down a few minutes after they came in, but I'm not sure if it was the subs, or just Montreal deflating after we raised the lead back to 2 goals.
I'll also jump on the Talles Magno bandwagon. His assist to Callens, the way he went up for his header, plus the pressure that led to Thiago's goal tells me he's been learning from Castellanos. Goal scorers are special, but goal scorers who lay off assists, have a killer aggressiveness, plus play defense are extra elite.
Also, nobody runs to hug the goal scorer faster than Andres Jasson.