I loathe the city of Philadelphia and the cretans that crawl out of that dumpster of a city. They have such an inferiority complex to New York and it shows with their behavior. They know they’re a small city and live in our shadow. They want to be us so badly. They are the red headed stepchild of the northeast. They lash out like a teen desperate for attention because no one will give it to them. It’s almost sad. Maybe it’s from growing up hating the Eagles, Phillies and Flyers as a Giants, Mets, Rangers fan, but the mere sound of their asinine accent makes my skin crawl. Some of those non sarcastic, overused insults on Reddit made my blood boil. Again, they are such an inferior product to us in every way and they are bitter. We are a better city, have better food, have more culture, a club that spends etc… Get over it. You’ll never be a big city or club.
Do I consider them a rival? No. Not on the scale of my dislike for the other Philly sports teams. They are not on the scale of dislike for the Red Bull or Toronto either. The Union are just an annoying little club begging for attention. Screaming and kicking out hoping someone will pay attention to them. But no one does. Why? Because they’ve been utter shit for almost the entirety of their existence. I respect their play and current success in MLS, but good god they need to just shut up. From Curtin to their fan base. They just come off as whiney and again, jealous. Of everything.
ok I feel better now. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.