Name The 12th Man


Seasoned Supporter
Mar 26, 2014
New Voice question is out... Nickname for NYCFC fans.

I got the party started with The Bronx Zoo. Cool NYC-centric name... worry about the stadium situation later.
Be sure to show us some love too!

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Red Sox Nation
Cameron Crazies (Duke)
12th Man (Seattle Seahawks)
Cityzens (You know who)

Just a few that come to mind
Who calls them that? ESPN?

I'm pretty sure NYCFC fans are NYCFC fans. Some will be Third Rail, some will be other groups. There won't be one label for all NYCFC fans.
Not gonna lie - I was kinda impressed with some of their suggestions - mostly because they have a decent etymology

My favorite was Roughnecks (skyscraper workers that worked with no harness or ropes)
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Roughnecks are oilworkers if I'm not mistaken.

NYC's Loudest was also a name that was voted on for the Supporter Group. I'm trying to find the thread as we speak, I remember making a logo for it as well.