Name The 12th Man

I don't understand why people are freaking out about this. But then again, every single thing that NYCFC does is blown hilariously out of proportion.
I was just about to type this exact same thing. I get the media and other haters jumping on everything NYCFC does like one of Pavlov's dogs, but for NYCFC fans to get on the team for this is a little silly. This is just an online poll, so who cares? If people don't like the results than just don't use it. When will people realize that no matter what we do the haters will try to tear us down? Sorry, but I have seen this all before.

It is not like they tried to force the use of "Cityzens" on us. Season can't start soon enough and maybe we can concentrate on the players on the field.
I was just about to type this exact same thing. I get the media and other haters jumping on everything NYCFC does like one of Pavlov's dogs, but for NYCFC fans to get on the team for this is a little silly. This is just an online poll, so who cares? If people don't like the results than just don't use it. When will people realize that no matter what we do the haters will try to tear us down? Sorry, but I have seen this all before.

It is not like they tried to force the use of "Cityzens" on us. Season can't start soon enough and maybe we can concentrate on the players on the field.
They did try to have us be "cityzen" and found out quickly that wasn't going to fly, so not they ask us and it's clear the 6th Borough or The Boroughs are going to win. We won't have Cityzen being force on us but because they ask on the official site, its dumb?
I was just about to type this exact same thing. I get the media and other haters jumping on everything NYCFC does like one of Pavlov's dogs, but for NYCFC fans to get on the team for this is a little silly. This is just an online poll, so who cares? If people don't like the results than just don't use it. When will people realize that no matter what we do the haters will try to tear us down? Sorry, but I have seen this all before.

It is not like they tried to force the use of "Cityzens" on us. Season can't start soon enough and maybe we can concentrate on the players on the field.
Yep. I swear that there are people that live to complain about every single thing associated with this team. The amount of those people on this forum alone is pretty crazy.

To clarify, it wasn't even a poll. Those names were purely suggestions that the team came up with. The entire point was to get people to come up with their own names and wrote about it in the City Voice forum.
They can pick whatever they want, but if fans don't like it the nickname is going no where. Anyone tried googling "Yankees Universe" lately?

It just seems that team cannot win with some people no matter what they do. If they pick a nickname, they are not listening to the fans. If they ask for opinions, they are not being organic. If they do nothing, why is our social media coming from Manchester?

I like that the team tries to interact with fans. I like that a lot of the suggestions seem to come from these forums. I like that they are more interested in us serious fans than some think.
I'd like to add another suggestion: The Tenement.

100 years ago, immigrants from all over the world were living together in Tenements. Different races, religions, cultures, beliefs: all living together in a tenement building. I think that is pretty representative of NYCFC fans.
You dont name your entire fan base before your first season, especially if there is no prior foundation. Must earn a nickname. It's given by the media, a politician, a significant figure head of the club, etc. and the fans title evolves from there.

This is the stupid. Trying too hard.
What are Orlando fans called? Philly Union fans? LA Galaxy? let's ask Kreis what they call Salt Lake fans?

Sure we have derogatory-sarcastic relies to that, but seriously, you don't label whole fanbases by one name. Crazy talk.
I am a real fan of Kubah's Bronx Zoo. I don't like Blue Steel as it is a Ben Stiller Pose and Tulsa has dibs on Roughnecks. I do have a suggestion . . .

What are Orlando fans called? Philly Union fans? LA Galaxy? let's ask Kreis what they call Salt Lake fans?

Sure we have derogatory-sarcastic relies to that, but seriously, you don't label whole fanbases by one name. Crazy talk.
No but at the very least get the conversation going which wasn't happening, and at least we aren't "cityzens" or "(insert team here) nation" or part of the fort (NE Revs) and what is the worst one I have ever heard of WWE Universe. We should figure it out but if the team is going to keep doing things like "cityzengiving" using our own name then should figure out what we call ourselves, and so should we.

EDIT with all that being said everyone relax The 6th Borough and The Borough are. Winning just make sure it keeps winning.
Gooners and Yids?
Gooners or Goonies?

Fucking shameful the FO manages yet again to cloud something positive with some BS. It's as if they haven't announced the academy.