Nick Chavez: Eirik Johansen to Start

So here's what you do.

Make 128 twitter accounts. Half of these accounts you make an assertion. X will happen. and on the other half you say X will not happen. Time passes by and X happens. On the correct prediction accounts you take half and make another assertion Y will happen. An on the remainder you say Y will not happen. Rinse and repeat until 6 steps later you have an account that has made 6 controversial assertions that have turned out to be correct. Now you have a "reliable" account that people trust. Turn conservative and shoot down the middle on your picks. When you are wrong make sure everyone remembers that time you said X,Y,Z. Keep the ruse going as long as you can. If your lucky you'll have a nice big subscription base. Figure out how to monetize those eyeballs and walk away into the sunset.

Then do it again with some other topic. Rinse and repeat.

This is just lesson one in my life coaching course. Subscribe to to me for more lessons.
Sorry guys.

Obviously, this doesn't look good for my sources (I've definitely had bad luck with things changing lately), but around Thursday, Saunders told my source that he was told he wouldn't be starting this weekend. My source told me that early Saturday morning. He was sure of it, but where I screwed up was not asking for an update that morning before I tweeted it out. About 2 hours before the line-ups came out, I asked him to see if he can get an update (after Araos rightly raising doubts based on what he saw at training) and, he said it sounds like Vieira would be starting Saunders now (though he couldn't confirm), which is why I tweeted the update.

My source then told me that he thinks Saunders was told that he wouldn't be starting earlier in the week by Vieira in order to motivate him, as Saunders has a history of reacting very positively (basically getting a fire lit under his ass/rising to the occasion) to his starting spot being threatened, and that this was also the case when he was with the LA Galaxy competing with Ricketts. Or maybe it was simply because Johansen was actually going to start, and it was just a coincidence that Saunders proved himself in training and changed Vieira's mind.

I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of my source, nor the accuracy of what he was told about Saunders not starting earlier in the week. He has no reason to lie to me, gains nothing from it, and if you guys knew he was, you'd definitely want to hear what information he has. I wish I could give you more details about who he is, and why he is trustworthy, but then that would blow his cover. Anyways, he was also the source that gave me correct information on the details Ryan Meara's injury last season, news which I broke last season on twitter:

The good news, for people wanting Saunders to be benched, is that Saunders's starting spot seems to be in serious question. So, there's a good chance that Vieira will give Johansen a chance in the future if Saunders continues to have his struggles.

But, all of that aside, I apologize for some of my recent sourced information changing, and leading you on to think certain things would happen, when they ended up not. But, again, I am always just sharing what I was told, and will continue to do so. Obviously, this stuff happening deservedly damages my reputation as a trusted source of information, and I would advise you not to take most of my sourced information to the bank, since I've been led astray as much as you have. But, never doubt that what I'm telling you is what I've truly heard, from people I trust, and have enough reason to believe. I've never made anything up and never will.

My humble apologies again.
If your source is as tied-in as you make him/her out to be, your "friend" may very well want to be wary of a canary trap being laid by the club. Maybe it was just coincidence that Saunders "trained" himself back into starting Saturday, or maybe the club is trying to uncover & plug leaks with disinformation. As has been joked about, it's likely everybody has signed non-disclosure agreements if working with/for the club.

At any rate, I hope you're right that Saunders is either on thin ice or has now crashed through it.
Yup just don't delete tweets. Own your mistakes.

Gotta love misconceptions. I deleted the tweet because I didn't want it to continue to confuse people (not just on my account, but on accounts like NYCFC Nation and Third Rail and the 15 others that retweeted it). And it was confusing people because even at least a half-hour after I tweeted my update negating the Saunders not starting speculation, people were still tweeting me saying they were excited that Johansen was going to start (or otherwise giving their opinions on the "change").

So, yea, I deleted it so it didn't continue to confuse people. And it was retweeted 17 times, most people who care at all about NYCFC on twitter saw it, kinda late to pretend it didn't happen.

And I did I own up to it. Several times (as well as on here):

If your source is as tied-in as you make him/her out to be, your "friend" may very well want to be wary of a canary trap being laid by the club. Maybe it was just coincidence that Saunders "trained" himself back into starting Saturday, or maybe the club is trying to uncover & plug leaks with disinformation. As has been joked about, it's likely everybody has signed non-disclosure agreements if working with/for the club.

At any rate, I hope you're right that Saunders is either on thin ice or has now crashed through it.

It's very true that the club may be trying to spread misinformation to these people to smoke out leaks, or even just to make reporters afraid to share rumors they hear since they end up being so unreliable.

I think most of the time this isn't the case, though. And certainly not the case here. This guy isn't exactly a club employee. And I highly doubt the person who gave him this information would try to mislead him, nor do I think anyone would suspect him. Maybe after this happening, but certainly not before. He hasn't told me anything that I've shared in about a year.

But yes, worth noting and considering for sure.
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"It's very true that the club may be trying to spread misinformation to these people to smoke out leaks, or even just to make reporters afraid to hear rumors they hear since they end up being so unreliable. I think most of the time this isn't the case, though.
GET OUT, no way this club would EVER do that. ;)
Nick Chavez keep doing what you do. As with all reporting on rumors, some will come to fruition, some won't. I appreciate what you throw out there for us and the time you spend doing it. More so given the lack of transparency in the culture of CFG. Do you baby. Te quiero siempre. ~Tio Tomas

I for one, appreciate all your rumors and leads. I'd rather hear things gong on behind the scenes, shows that there is some thinking going on. Without what you said, we would all think Josh was just stuck in there for good, with no conversation about why he sucks so bad.

Really appreciate that, guys, and if I were you, I'd want to hear this stuff too, which is why I share it. It sucks when it turns out not to be true, especially for me leaving my credibility shredded, but I'm still going to share what I hear for you guys to hear what I'm hearing, when I can. There is a good amount of stuff I haven't shared/can't share now that I have heard simply because these particular sources wouldn't allow it and felt that their cover would immediately be blown. You gotta protect your sources.

But, I just want everyone to remember that I would never lie to you guys, never intentionally mislead NYCFC fans, or tweet SOURCEd stuff or hints of rumors just for the effect without substance or information that I have good reason to believe could be true. And I never make anything up. I could make things up all the time, getting 100s of retweets and a lot more followers (my credibility couldn't suffer much more anyways at this point), but I would never do that.

Yes, I troll Red Bull, Cosmos, and random MLS fans that troll me. Yes I can be a cocky wise-ass sometimes. But, NYCFC fans are my people and I consider them to be an extended family of mine. A foundation on which this movement and, I think, one of the future great clubs in the world is being built upon. The soul of this club, and one that will outlive all of us. I would never knowingly mislead NYCFC fans, and would never troll you guys for any reason or perceived incentive. That's my word. Please remember that in the frustrating likelihood a source's information doesn't come into fruition again.

I also appreciate the reporting of these things, but I reserve the right to chuckle, point, snort, and make generally stupid fun of Nick Chavez the next time this happens again.

haha, Fair enough. As long as you keep in mind what I've said above and realize it's the truth, I can take all the banter and wise-cracks, and I fully accept it. But, I can't accept being accused of being dishonest or irresponsible with you guys, because that will never be true.
It's kind of funny/ironic, people are always asking folks to spill what "insider" info they may have, please refer to the Stadium Mega Thread. Then you get a guy like Nick Chavez sharing what he's getting in good faith and folks mock & bash him if it doesn't pan out. That's a good way to make sure any lines of information dry up.
Probably, short week. Makes perfect sense, that's what I thought would happen initially. Mix, Pirlo and McNamara all start. Maybe we even see Mullins, Allen, Martinez and Mena.

If we don't see Mena soon it might be time for us to cut him. Too expensive to be a back-up.
If we don't see Mena soon it might be time for us to cut him. Too expensive to be a back-up.
Have we gotten any updates on him since the game where he played for like 20 minutes and had to be subbed off?
Have we gotten any updates on him since the game where he played for like 20 minutes and had to be subbed off?

He hasn't been on the injury report but even with White our he's not even making the bench. Seems like PV doesn't really trust him.
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Quick review of the MLS app confirms he played less than 30 minutes against the Revs on 3/26 and hasn't made the 18 since. Dude got himself Brovsky'd apparently.