NYCFC & Black Lives Matter


Staff member
Elite Donor
Seasoned Supporter
Jan 2, 2015
New York, NY
Dear Members,

The events over the past few months – and particularly the last few weeks – have had a profound impact on us all. As a Club, we have been reflecting on the many emotions we have all gone through – from the confusion and sadness of COVID-19, to anger following the senseless death of George Floyd and so many other Black Americans, and now to inspiration around the Black Lives Matter movement. I’m sure many of you can relate to this range of emotions, and in these uncertain times, organizations have a responsibility to be clear on their values and take real action in accordance to those core beliefs.

Later today, we will be sharing publicly our commitment to support the Black Lives Matter movement and continue celebrating inclusivity and diversity. Before this goes out to the general public, I wanted to share it first with our Members and give you all deeper insight into what we intend to do as a Club to support the movement and create tangible and meaningful change alongside our players, staff, partners and fans.

We have taken an important first step. As a Club, we have been examining our own internal structures and have created a diverse taskforce of staff from across our Club to advise on internal changes and provide recommendations on what we can do externally. We felt it was important to give this working group time to listen and learn before developing our action plan. Now, we are ready to act.

We are proud to serve as the football club of New York City – the greatest City in the world and the most diverse city in the United States – and we trust you will be aligned with our values, actions and commitments outlined below.

Recent events have shown that there are more important things than soccer. But the reality is, we are all incredibly excited about our team starting to play again in the MLS is Back Tournament next week. We will embrace this exciting time of soccer being back as an opportunity to be part of the important discussion around racism, social justice and equality. Most importantly right now, soccer has the power to bring us together at a time when human connection is more valued than ever and at a time when we have seen how powerful we can all be when we speak as one.

We understand we cannot change society overnight, but we will continue to use our platform and empower our players and staff to positively impact lives.

Best wishes to our NYCFC Family. #ForTheCity

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On a personal note, I'm glad NYCFC is being additive rather than subtractive in their approach to this movement.

I don't want to see NYPD and FDNY members in uniform form the Tunnel of Honor before matches disappear. I don't want to see First Responders Night disappear.