Nycfc Fan Podcast - Episode 1


Seasoned Supporter
Well, we recorded today. We flew by the seat of our pants. There's only one direction to go from here.... up!

We're still looking for topic ideas for the future. This was like a get acquainted with us and what's going on episode. Also, we need a title. We have The Scorecard for our high school sports show. The Lunch Card for our general comedy show. Maybe we can incorporate it into our "card" branding. I don't know. Okay without further adieu...

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Well, we recorded today. We flew by the seat of our pants. There's only one direction to go from here.... up!

We're still looking for topic ideas for the future. This was like a get acquainted with us and what's going on episode. Also, we need a title. We have The Scorecard for our high school sports show. The Lunch Card for our general comedy show. Maybe we can incorporate it into our "card" branding. I don't know. Okay without further adieu...

Direct Link:

John is such a wuss. We could definitely go down from here. Take a listen!
Just listened. Good work guys. We gotta work on getting you some of the big boys from NYCFC on the show. That and maybe every few shows you could do a live open forum call in. Although with some of the cretins lurking around, it may be ugly. Chris' first foray into the sport has potential for some comic gold moments. In any case, looking forward to what you have in store in a couple of weeks.
Just listened. Good work guys. We gotta work on getting you some of the big boys from NYCFC on the show. That and maybe every few shows you could do a live open forum call in. Although with some of the cretins lurking around, it may be ugly. Chris' first foray into the sport has potential for some comic gold moments. In any case, looking forward to what you have in store in a couple of weeks.

Thanks, Rick. All of the above sounds like a plan!
Loved it! Would like to join you guys for an episode one day! In the future live call ins would be awesome also once we start getting more players even have them call in for an interview! How often can you guys record an episode? Also have you thought of names for an official podcast name maybe something like Blue York City or something and also get it on iTunes! I will be tweeting out your episodes from the TR twitter linking people directly to the podcast.
Loved it! Would like to join you guys for an episode one day! In the future live call ins would be awesome also once we start getting more players even have them call in for an interview! How often can you guys record an episode? Also have you thought of names for an official podcast name maybe something like Blue York City or something and also get it on iTunes! I will be tweeting out your episodes from the TR twitter linking people directly to the podcast.

Buckley... I saw it on the Third Rail twitter. Good shit. Thanks. We have the studio for an hour every Friday. So potentially it could be weekly once the season kicks off. We can do monthly until then or bi-weekly.

Definitely plan on having guests, call-ins, interviews, etc... We do all of the above with our high school sports stuff. You'd really like The Lunch Card shows. Check out the Oscars Show edition. It's one of my favorites.

As for the name... We definitely wanna come up with one. Blue York City is solid.

iTunes is there. Just search NYCFC Fan, it'll pop up.

The page name is The Scorecard 1230 AM
Nice podcast. At first I was put off by the non-soccer fan and the umm, EuroPoser sidekicks on there. But then I thought NYC might have more than the average amount of these first-time MLS fans and its a good forum to help them see the light. I like how you handled the Tim Howard comments. Fairly ludicrous and uneducated comments. I guess he/they will learn in time.
As a podcaster myself I would suggest for iTunes maybe making it NYCFC: Blue York City. It will help with the hits on iTunes and make you show up better.

Yea, definitely need to change the name and make it easier to find. This was a complete trial run. We just wanted to see how we'd do. Definitely going to tighten the ship up. That'll be Step 1. Thanks for the tip!
Nice podcast. At first I was put off by the non-soccer fan and the umm, EuroPoser sidekicks on there. But then I thought NYC might have more than the average amount of these first-time MLS fans and its a good forum to help them see the light. I like how you handled the Tim Howard comments. Fairly ludicrous and uneducated comments. I guess he/they will learn in time.
I'm not even sure it was intentional but the Eurosnob, Teamerica! and Newbie guy represents every potential listener. I think it's a great angle and something they should definitely run with.
LOL. Confession... I just listened to it for the first time and realized I spent the first 10 minutes saying I only watched the World Cup for a while. Duh... I'm Teamerica. LOL.
LOL. There is no Yavi. It's Xavi.
I know. Just being a dick. Liked the podcast. Pretty interesting to have 3 different angles which will reflect our fan base. Enjoyed the fact that you guys don't take yourselves too seriously. Looking forward to more episodes. Good job, good effort.