Maybe we are closer to Steve Jobs than to Jeff Immelt in the spectrum of personalities. We prefer to apply our critical eyes to even smallest weakness where we can improve than to sit there trumpeting how great the state of things are. What you call negativity, we call it relentless pursuit of perfection, never let our guard down and insatiable desire to crush competition at all cost at all time. Just a difference of personal traits and style. Of course, personally I think Jeff Immelt ended up being better off than Jobs in personal department, in my view. One disruptedalmost all tech industries and changed human history but at his own expense and died young. The other one, in spite of running down a great company, got to live long and enjoy his fat cat life. (I am not saying you or other sunny people are like Jeff Immelt, make no mistake, that’s not what I am trying to imply)
I wouldn't say I'm an overtly optimistic person. I just have supported some truly bad teams in my time such as Citeh before the Oil money and in other sports the Buffalo Bills for 30 years. It just feels like people taking things for granted when their team is quite good yet mostly complaints seem to be ditched out.