Lots of good points here already, will just comment where I don't think anyone's raised similar points / questions:
- I keep hearing that Poku's fitness isn't up to scratch. Super confusing. He's crazy strong and really quick. Something isn't adding up for me. Anybody have any ideas? I'm starting to think it might be a smoke screen. I can see a few other reasons why Kreis might not pick him more regularly. He tries the Hollywood ball a little too often, and can't seem to play the 1-touch pass to get out of trouble, as a few others have commented. He's a bit of an enigma. Clearly has the talent but I can imagine it being hard playing with him.
- Montreal were getting in behind really often. From the telecast it seemed like Facey was making a lot of last-ditch tackles to make up for losing track of his man, but he's otherwise immaculate so I wonder if we're having trouble passing markers between full backs and center backs (would make more sense given what I've seen defensively from Allen and Wingert). Also Facey and KWS probably haven't played together all that often.
- We have a really narrow midfield and that only works when we can push our full backs up to add numbers and overload their wide areas. Looking forward to seeing how our possession game shapes up with Iraola and Angelino / Calle contributing in offense.
- Hernandez was on the injury list as having "gastro soreness". Was wondering if he took a seat because he's already switched to the #2 and having him play out in his new shirt would "ruin" the big Pirlo reveal.