This has been my issue with all the podcasts lately. I’m finding it difficult to listen because we discuss things in much more detail here and they do roughly 1/10th of the research before recording.
Look, I get I’m spoiled. Grew up on NYC sports talk radio where the the hosts are experts on what they are discussing. And to be fair, some of these podcasters know much more about the game in general and the players out there than I ever hope to learn. But there have been topics lately where I literally cringe when they try to discuss it; the stadium and CCL come to mind right away. Their facts are wrong to start with and then they argue over it and I just can’t listen.
Haven’t heard this mikey Lopez bit yet, but again it’s probably more of the same. Why not focus the discussion on how he was almost a DP last year and what ifs? You’re probably right that they didn’t even know. And that’s another problem, missing the opportunity for good conversations. Ok, I’ll stop now, but this has been bugging me going on at least the last few months.