Official Seat Selection Discussion

Hey LowHiFC, i'm selecting later today. Wondering if you have any screenshots of 129, 130, 131, 228, 229 sections? Just trying to know what i'm getting into so that i'm not in for a shock when i look later
Were they and additional taxes/fees or is the price of the seats the final price? Im picking in 2 hours!
Yes. The $25 fee is for processing and delivery I believe they called it and that is the only fee outside of the ticket prices.
14A please
I took the last two seats in 14A however theres still a handful in 14B & 15A, I didn't get to see any other sections. Everything happened too quick. Once I saw 14A with only two seats open I clicked over two and then right back and add to cart. Didn't want to lose the chance.
Thanks again man. Darker green means less seats available as well. Wild like to see 3rd base side filling up for Cameras