
Today is the 100th Anniversary of the National Parks Service, who asked everyone to share a favorite photo from a National Park online today. This is Delicate Arch in Arches National park in Utah.
#ShareYourPark #NPS100
Yes, that's my photo. We were light painting the Arch. Basically you expose for the stars; I forget but it was probably 30 or 60 seconds or some such. Then during the exposure someone "paints" the Arch (or whatever your subject is) by shining a strong flashlight on it and moving the light around to cover the whole area you want lit up. Takes a bit of trial and error but not otherwise too hard and can create some stunning results.
That is awesome! I'm equally excited by you sharing that technique as I was by the photograph. Thanks!
Yes, that's my photo. We were light painting the Arch. Basically you expose for the stars; I forget but it was probably 30 or 60 seconds or some such. Then during the exposure someone "paints" the Arch (or whatever your subject is) by shining a strong flashlight on it and moving the light around to cover the whole area you want lit up. Takes a bit of trial and error but not otherwise too hard and can create some stunning results.
I'm an expert on photography and I hate to say that this is completely false.

This effect is created by taking the picture at the exact moment a UFO lands right out of frame.

Shame on you mgarbowski, shame on you.
Anyone in the market or know anyone in the market for a mid-range DSLR? I have my D7000 and 3 lenses up for grabs.


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I got a D700.

I used to have a D700. It was my workhorse for a while. If you have trouble selling your gear in the normal manner (Craig's List, eBay, Word of Mouth) I've had good luck selling via
I'm looking to get my fiance a starter camera (meaning I don't want to drop like 4k on it).

I was looking at the entry level Nikon D3400 and D5500. Does anyone have any experience or advice with these or types like these that I should look at or avoid?
I have a D3100 and helped a friend shop for a one of the 5000 series recently (she ended up buying a used 5200 from B&H because she had 2 kit lenses already).

Both are similar and, in my opinion, great starter DSLR's (though I can only speak about Nikon as I am unfamiliar with any comparable models from Canon, etc.) Happy to provide more detailed information or answer any specific questions you have. Send me a DM
I'm looking to get my fiance a starter camera (meaning I don't want to drop like 4k on it).

I was looking at the entry level Nikon D3400 and D5500. Does anyone have any experience or advice with these or types like these that I should look at or avoid?

Honestly it mostly depends on the following. These 3 are probably top questions with today's cameras.

-primary photo subject
-shoot video too?
-size, portability
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Honestly it mostly depends on the following. These 3 are probably top questions with today's cameras.

-primary photo subject -
-shoot video too? -
-size, portability

Subject - people and scenery when traveling (idk if I answered that correctly)
Video - doesn't matter tbh, it would be cool to have but no issue if it's missing
Size - something relatively small, not trying to carry around multiple giant lenses

With that in mind, any suggestions?