So... Tr Is Starting Their Own Forum.

I still haven't received my membership card either and at this point who cares? 2014 was two months ago...
Just learned that I missed the window for the discount on the 2015 TR membership? I don't remember seeing anything about a discount code, etc. The first I learned of it is when I went back and read the last paragraph of the board elections email that said Saturday 2/28 was the last day.
Just learned that I missed the window for the discount on the 2015 TR membership? I don't remember seeing anything about a discount code, etc. The first I learned of it is when I went back and read the last paragraph of the board elections email that said Saturday 2/28 was the last day.
I'm sure if you get back in touch with them they could take care of you
Just learned that I missed the window for the discount on the 2015 TR membership? I don't remember seeing anything about a discount code, etc. The first I learned of it is when I went back and read the last paragraph of the board elections email that said Saturday 2/28 was the last day.

Would love to help but I didn't win the election for Director of Membership. I'd say the best thing to do is contact Brian Toto, a TR Board member.
The discount code was only active until February 28th. You can still renew your membership. Instead of it being discount, it would cost the normal $30. That process will be done through Upper90.
Come take over as director of membership for NYC Social...and president. And whatever other job you want since the guy that started it is pretty much a do-nothing fuck up.

Appreciate the offer Midas. Can't tell if you're joking to be honest. Is there really a market for another social club? Seems like BBSC and BXFSC have the market cornered and I don't intend on leaving the Third Rail just because I lost this election. I felt a bit disconnected from TR, as did others, and I wanted to help remedy that situation by joining the Board. I'll have to get more involved in other capacities but I don't anticipate leaving the supporters group. Am I crazy to think NYC Social was the group once known as the Straphangers?
I have the feeling that was: Which name do I know the most.

Never met Paul and he was far and way the most clear and concise applicant. We'll see how this actually plays out though. I wish the winner luck... and ability.

Crazy that Caleb lost too. I've met him a and Nick and Nick can't touch Caleb's design ability. I like both people but Caleb was a smarter choice. That may just be me looking at that position as design before management though.