And those that do know that is coming are sitting on the fence waiting for someone to push them to support the club or not. I think there is a time and place for coming up with chants and songs and t-shirts and wondering what languages to do this all in, but I agree with you. The most important thing to make this club present on the mind of as many people as possible so as to generate as much interest ergo ticket sales as possible.
Strong and organized support for the club is the only thing we can provide. And a big part of that effort is to help push through stadium proposal. If we don't have significant numbers and if we can't be taken seriously, no politician and no average fan will care.
The thing is, I think, pound for pound, we probably have the most informed and diverse football fans in the country. However, most of these fans could care less about MLS. We have to somehow convince them that if they want football that is on par in terms of quality with leagues in Europe and South America then this is their chance. They have to dig in with what they have. No one is going to build it for them. Maybe they will actually learn to appreciate what we have and to use a phrase coined by my friend NYC_Tomek, they will become snobbish MLS converts.
But what I'm trying to say is, we have to look at this issue as more than NYCFC issue, this is an MLS issue. We must inspire people to care. To invest themselves in the sport here, not thousands of miles away. For some people who care much more for clubs abroad, this might be a laugh; a nice thing to be a part of on a Saturday afternoon to drink. But to me, a die hard fan of the sport who lives here in NYC, my goal is to have top-class football in my backyard that I can invest myself in for the rest of my life.
And those that do know that is coming are sitting on the fence waiting for someone to push them to support the club or not. I think there is a time and place for coming up with chants and songs and t-shirts and wondering what languages to do this all in, but I agree with you. The most important thing is to make this club present on the minds of as many people as possible so as to generate as much interest ergo ticket sales as possible.
Strong and organized support for the club is the only thing we can provide. And a big part of that effort is to help push through stadium proposal. If we don't have significant numbers and if we can't be taken seriously, no politician and no average fan will care.
The thing is, I think, pound for pound, we probably have the most informed and diverse football fans in the country. However, most of these fans could care less about MLS. We have to somehow convince them that if they want football that is on par in terms of quality with leagues in Europe and South America then this is their chance. They have to dig in with what they have. No one is going to build it for them. Maybe they will actually learn to appreciate what we have and to use a phrase coined by my friend NYC_Tomek, they will become snobbish MLS converts.
But what I'm trying to say is, we have to look at this issue as more than NYCFC issue, this is an MLS issue. We must inspire people to care. To invest themselves in the sport here, not thousands of miles away. For some people who care much more for clubs abroad, this might be a laugh; a nice thing to be a part of on a Saturday afternoon to drink. But to me, a die hard fan of the sport who lives here in NYC, my goal is to have top-class football in my backyard that I can invest myself in for the rest of my life.
Honestly at this point, I'm more worried about the stadium situation than friendlies.
Merged with existing thread.
For the record, to answer your question, Levine's comments about the future stadium for NYCFC are out of line with what NYCFC themselves say, and it caused a bit of a (small) media storm at the time. NYCFC have always maintained that the stadium must be within city limits. Levine then strayed from the party line and basically said "as far as the Yankees are concerned, we'll build it wherever we feel like". Thankfully, Levine is not the one calling the shots on this one.
In my opinion the stadium has to be in the five boroughs or it will be a massive disappointment.
Have they already discussed making it a multipurpose stadium.
Could they also make it a major Track and Field stadium for the colleges or if we make another Olympic bid someday.
And those that do know that is coming are sitting on the fence waiting for someone to push them to support the club or not. I think there is a time and place for coming up with chants and songs and t-shirts and wondering what languages to do this all in, but I agree with you. The most important thing is to make this club present on the minds of as many people as possible so as to generate as much interest ergo ticket sales as possible.
Strong and organized support for the club is the only thing we can provide. And a big part of that effort is to help push through stadium proposal. If we don't have significant numbers and if we can't be taken seriously, no politician and no average fan will care.
The thing is, I think, pound for pound, we probably have the most informed and diverse football fans in the country. However, most of these fans could care less about MLS. We have to somehow convince them that if they want football that is on par in terms of quality with leagues in Europe and South America then this is their chance. They have to dig in with what they have. No one is going to build it for them. Maybe they will actually learn to appreciate what we have and to use a phrase coined by my friend NYC_Tomek, they will become snobbish MLS converts.
But what I'm trying to say is, we have to look at this issue as more than NYCFC issue, this is an MLS issue. We must inspire people to care. To invest themselves in the sport here, not thousands of miles away. For some people who care much more for clubs abroad, this might be a laugh; a nice thing to be a part of on a Saturday afternoon to drink. But to me, a die hard fan of the sport who lives here in NYC, my goal is to have top-class football in my backyard that I can invest myself in for the rest of my life.
We haven't built a pro stadium in like 40 years with a track around it. Don't see that happening. A soccer stadium would be a necessary thing for an Olympics bid anyway. Having a NYCFC, NYRB and Metlife Stadium in the area makes it a nice city to have the soccer tournament at.Have they already discussed making it a multipurpose stadium.
Could they also make it a major Track and Field stadium for the colleges or if we make another Olympic bid someday.