2018 announced 2020 start playing.
I don't know why you have to add the last part, maybe your way of acting smart. And believe me I'm not optimistic.
I am far from that, I'm mad that they don't have it done now. I don't want to hear the "it's NYC, it's hard".... Get it done, that was part of the deal, MLS said in order to become a franchise you need to have a stadium. So everyone knew that coming in. I'm not going to give a team a pass, even if it's my own team.
I don't know if it's smart, but from my experience I can't see a stadium being built in only 2 years from start to finish. Every recent stadium in NYC has taken 2.5 years from breaking ground. So figure at least 3 years from announcement. We're already into 2019 if they announce tomorrow. I'm worried the Yankees are going to start to enjoy and expect the extra revenue. Then we can call this thread stadium rant.