Stadium Discussion

2018 announced 2020 start playing.
I don't know why you have to add the last part, maybe your way of acting smart. And believe me I'm not optimistic.
I am far from that, I'm mad that they don't have it done now. I don't want to hear the "it's NYC, it's hard".... Get it done, that was part of the deal, MLS said in order to become a franchise you need to have a stadium. So everyone knew that coming in. I'm not going to give a team a pass, even if it's my own team.

I don't know if it's smart, but from my experience I can't see a stadium being built in only 2 years from start to finish. Every recent stadium in NYC has taken 2.5 years from breaking ground. So figure at least 3 years from announcement. We're already into 2019 if they announce tomorrow. I'm worried the Yankees are going to start to enjoy and expect the extra revenue. Then we can call this thread stadium rant.
Interesting on so many levels. So the Yankees are more than just a silent partner here - they are actually partaking in the operating of the club.
It behooves the Yankees and YGE to have NYCFC to be in the Bronx and YGE want like all business to be as diversified as possible.
Interesting on so many levels. So the Yankees are more than just a silent partner here - they are actually partaking in the operating of the club.
This jogged a memory that I swear I read when the team was announced - the Yankees were 20% stake holders in the actual club, but were going to be something like 50% stake holders in the stadium. That said, I can neither confirm nor deny this, and I don't have the time to go looking for random news clips, but this is something I vaguely remember and I thought at the time it made sense that they didn't want to run a team but liked the infrastructure side of it.
This jogged a memory that I swear I read when the team was announced - the Yankees were 20% stake holders in the actual club, but were going to be something like 50% stake holders in the stadium. That said, I can neither confirm nor deny this, and I don't have the time to go looking for random news clips, but this is something I vaguely remember and I thought at the time it made sense that they didn't want to run a team but liked the infrastructure side of it.
$600 million stadium confirmed?
Who is Ian Thomas and please tell me he's the greatest insider info guy in the history of the free world.

where do you get that?

First rule of construction is always have more money in hand than you expect to spend. There will always be cost over-runs. always.

Hey, ya can't control construction prices in New York, capisce?
This jogged a memory that I swear I read when the team was announced - the Yankees were 20% stake holders in the actual club, but were going to be something like 50% stake holders in the stadium. That said, I can neither confirm nor deny this, and I don't have the time to go looking for random news clips, but this is something I vaguely remember and I thought at the time it made sense that they didn't want to run a team but liked the infrastructure side of it.
As best as I can tell not even the 20% stake is confirmed. A few weeks ago someone questioned the 20% "common knowledge" fact. I tried to track it down and best I could come up with was some reasonably trustworthy news sources, I think Bloomberg and/or AP was one of them, citing 20% from anonymous sourcing. I never saw anything about the 50% stadium stake but while I think you might very well have seen it I doubt very, very much it was official or confirmed.
This would be great news if it turns out to be true. At least if they announce some concrete progress and not just that they're getting ready to buy something. With LAFC, ORL, and ATL having made the news recently with stadiums we should absolutely have something given we are an actual team in the league already.
I'm not sure about this "CCMC" Adam. He's very negative. Did I find my Bizarro on this forum???Unknown.jpeg
Depending on whether or not you're a glass half full/half empty sort of guy, this is either good new or bad news.

Also found this:

Yankees expand credit facility as they search for NYCFC site
By Daniel Kaplan, Staff Writer

Published January 25, 2016, Page 1

The New York Yankees could be closer to finding a home for their MLS team after getting access to additional borrowing capacity. Yankee Global Enterprises, the holding company for the MLB club, increased the credit facility from which it can borrow at any time to more than $300 million...


Per chance is anyone a subscriber and can you further elaborate?