Stadium Discussion

I am of the understanding that there are more renderings out there that we haven't seen. I would like to see the renderings for GAL and Willets Points. Those exist.

That's why this intrigues me so much. Someone shared this with
dark knight - Why did they share THIS particular rendering at THIS particular time when there are others out there. That fascinates me.

Are you able to provide any more context as to the sharing of this rendering? Was it e-mailed to you? Was it offered to you or did you ask? Is it from someone you know or was it passed on anonymously?

Thank you for sharing what you have so far.
Hmm - since some of my posts are being ignored, including by you, not sure what I say here will be believed anyway. (Not that I would necessarily believe me either.) It's certainly fair and reasonable to question the why and how but I think I've probably said everything I'm comfortable saying on that subject - aside from I don't think CFG is directing this leak towards y'all as a buy-some-time bone since I don't walk around with an NYCFC Forum member badge in RL (sorry mods) and I've been following this thread a while. But anything is possible I guess (you'll just have to trust me when I say that I don't believe it to be the case). As I think I mentioned a few times earlier, this has nothing to do with any connections I may have and more about NYC serendipity. And while it's also very reasonable to want to try to find some clue that this is really happening - as I've said, I have no answers on that but that was how I heard it - that the final hurdle is the clean up. Doesn't mean it is true (or that I believe it's necessarily true) and like I've said, I'm personally treating this as an entertaining dream to distract us from Shake Shack that I would be over the moon about if ever announced as real. And more than anything, I'm glad to know that things are happening somewhere as it's clear that YS is not sustainable.
Hmm - since some of my posts are being ignored, including by you, not sure what I say here will be believed anyway. (Not that I would necessarily believe me either.) It's certainly fair and reasonable to question the why and how but I think I've probably said everything I'm comfortable saying on that subject - aside from I don't think CFG is directing this leak towards y'all as a buy-some-time bone since I don't walk around with an NYCFC Forum member badge in RL (sorry mods) and I've been following this thread a while. But anything is possible I guess (you'll just have to trust me when I say that I don't believe it to be the case). As I think I mentioned a few times earlier, this has nothing to do with any connections I may have and more about NYC serendipity. And while it's also very reasonable to want to try to find some clue that this is really happening - as I've said, I have no answers on that but that was how I heard it - that the final hurdle is the clean up. Doesn't mean it is true (or that I believe it's necessarily true) and like I've said, I'm personally treating this as an entertaining dream to distract us from Shake Shack that I would be over the moon about if ever announced as real. And more than anything, I'm glad to know that things are happening somewhere as it's clear that YS is not sustainable.

I don't have you on ignore? What posts were ignored?

Thank you for your response. Sounds like the answer is that you did not request this information. It was given to you unsolicited. Fascinating
The drawbridges at Greenpoint Ave. and the Pulaski Bridge don't get used every day, but they are used several times a week. It's by no means a disused waterway, and won't be as long as industry survives in Maspeth, Greenpoint and Bushwick.
I drive over the Pulaski a lot and it's really rare that I hit the drawbridge so I'm surprised it happens several times a week but maybe a lot of it happens very late at night?
I drive over the Pulaski a lot and it's really rare that I hit the drawbridge so I'm surprised it happens several times a week but maybe a lot of it happens very late at night?
I may be exaggerating a bit, I guess. I really only get hit by the Greenpoint Ave. bridge going up and I suppose it's less than once a week. It's probably just on an as-needed basis, but I wonder if they do try to push much of the barging to nighttime hours.
Hmm - since some of my posts are being ignored, including by you, not sure what I say here will be believed anyway. (Not that I would necessarily believe me either.) It's certainly fair and reasonable to question the why and how but I think I've probably said everything I'm comfortable saying on that subject - aside from I don't think CFG is directing this leak towards y'all as a buy-some-time bone since I don't walk around with an NYCFC Forum member badge in RL (sorry mods) and I've been following this thread a while. But anything is possible I guess (you'll just have to trust me when I say that I don't believe it to be the case). As I think I mentioned a few times earlier, this has nothing to do with any connections I may have and more about NYC serendipity. And while it's also very reasonable to want to try to find some clue that this is really happening - as I've said, I have no answers on that but that was how I heard it - that the final hurdle is the clean up. Doesn't mean it is true (or that I believe it's necessarily true) and like I've said, I'm personally treating this as an entertaining dream to distract us from Shake Shack that I would be over the moon about if ever announced as real. And more than anything, I'm glad to know that things are happening somewhere as it's clear that YS is not sustainable.
I think most of the previous questions were more related to how you were able to "gain possession" of the rendering. It seemed like your info was more, overheard, or perhaps even told to you. But this is something that is a digital file, and not a picture of a rendering by camera-phone. So I think that is where some of the questions have come up.

That said, I completely understand that you may not feel comfortable sharing any additional info or how this came into your hands, and that's all fair and reasonable. :)
I think most of the previous questions were more related to how you were able to "gain possession" of the rendering. It seemed like your info was more, overheard, or perhaps even told to you. But this is something that is a digital file, and not a picture of a rendering by camera-phone. So I think that is where some of the questions have come up.

That said, I completely understand that you may not feel comfortable sharing any additional info or how this came into your hands, and that's all fair and reasonable. :)

I think most of the previous questions were more related to how you were able to "gain possession" of the rendering. It seemed like your info was more, overheard, or perhaps even told to you. But this is something that is a digital file, and not a picture of a rendering by camera-phone. So I think that is where some of the questions have come up.

That said, I completely understand that you may not feel comfortable sharing any additional info or how this came into your hands, and that's all fair and reasonable. :)

Exactly. We could all understand (and believe or not) if you just had just posted the information you overheard. But one doesn't overhear a digital file. So we can assume that after overhearing, you engaged in a conversation with these people (or one of them), and during this conversation, that person decided to share this top-secret rendering with you. Why? and, how does that make sense? are the big questions here.

Fine that you are not comfortable giving more information, I am just pointing to where the holes are and why we are skeptical.
There's no way that's real.
The stadium is rendered to sit on top of the Newtown Creek. The Newtown Creek is a national superfund site.

It's "the most polluted waterway in north america."

Also this is right smack in the middle of one of the largest oil spills in history.

It's also right next to the Greenpoint waste water facility.

So needless to say it's a pretty "shitty" idea to build there.