Stadium Discussion

I think the guy legitimately thinks he knows something. The question for me is whether he does. I doubt he works on the project himself, or is high in the hierarchy, or he would take the confidentiality more seriously. He could even be a temp. I'm thinking he heard something, but does he understand what he heard?
I think the guy legitimately thinks he knows something. The question for me is whether he does. I doubt he works on the project himself, or is high in the hierarchy, or he would take the confidentiality more seriously. He could even be a temp. I'm thinking he heard something, but does he understand what he heard?
Any contracting company bidding on this will keep their lips shut - just knowing who the competition is gives clues to how to bid a project, and the loss of the award is a huge blow to a company’s potential booked margin.
Honestly, there are just too many unsolicited things coming out for me not to get my hopes up a little.

I said there seemed to be good things happening behind the scenes earlier in the thread this spring/summer. It was another random piece of unsolicited info. (I can’t remember if I ever told the story why but...)

A guy that I don’t know well but play soccer with randomly shows up with random MCFC swag for people to take home at a pickup soccer game. I threw out a question about where he got it and it turns out he does a lot of business with CFG.

I asked if he had anything good going on with them and his reply was pretty much “Not right now, they are just in town to try to wrap up something with their stadium and swung by my office (and then went in to tell me how he works with them).” (Paraphrasing of course - he was a little more direct in that they were wrapping something up)

I didn’t press him on it, because I didn’t believe that was the right thing to do, but it did make me believe there’s a whole lot more than a lot of smoke being put out by the club.

To me, it just seems like too much info coming from random spots for there to be nothing.

I don’t live and die by stadium news — heck I actually kinda like Yankee Stadium right now (great for a family). But it’d be pretty cool if something comes of this.
I've thought all year that we'd get a stadium announcement this year, only because their season tagline has been "Building Together." It seemed to me that using that tagline without a stadium announcement would be silly.

Also there has been a lot of smoke this year. Way more than in previous years, which leads me to believe they're as close as they've ever been.
Honestly, there are just too many unsolicited things coming out for me not to get my hopes up a little.

I said there seemed to be good things happening behind the scenes earlier in the thread this spring/summer. It was another random piece of unsolicited info. (I can’t remember if I ever told the story why but...)

A guy that I don’t know well but play soccer with randomly shows up with random MCFC swag for people to take home at a pickup soccer game. I threw out a question about where he got it and it turns out he does a lot of business with CFG.

I asked if he had anything good going on with them and his reply was pretty much “Not right now, they are just in town to try to wrap up something with their stadium and swung by my office (and then went in to tell me how he works with them).” (Paraphrasing of course - he was a little more direct in that they were wrapping something up)

I didn’t press him on it, because I didn’t believe that was the right thing to do, but it did make me believe there’s a whole lot more than a lot of smoke being put out by the club.

To me, it just seems like too much info coming from random spots for there to be nothing.

I don’t live and die by stadium news — heck I actually kinda like Yankee Stadium right now (great for a family). But it’d be pretty cool if something comes of this.

Shows up to random pickup matches to hand out man city swag and drop stadium rumors. Sounds like the CFG fairy to me. Don’t trust fairies.

I’d guess the team hasn’t even submitted the Department of City Planning application for pre-certification. If they had, per the chart the department would have already forwarded to the Community Board—and all NIMBY hell would have broken loose

The ULURP process, including community board review, would not be required until after formal filing of an application. There could be informational and interdivisional meetings prior to any community board requirement. Often, projects will be presented to a community board earlier in the process on recommendation or applicant effort, but I would suspect with a stadium special permit that the powers that be would keep it close to the vest as long as possible.
This is the most frustrating thread on the forum.
Why do I torture myself looking at this...
By the time they build a stadium most on New York City will be underwater.
Helena Montana will have a MLS team and stadium before NYCFC.
There will be A.I. Robots in the starting eleven before we get a Stadium...
I’m going to pop a Valium now.
Hmmmm. Seems like the SEC might have something to say about that. “You get a stock option, you get a stock option, everybody gets a stock option!” If you want to go for direct compensation, cash payments to eligible residents probably works better. Still never going to happen, but better to be smart with your fantasy, I guess.