Stadium Discussion

There seems to be noticeable smoke now. Still will only believe on opening day.
Anywho anyone else worried that with actual smoke coming out, fans of a defunct green team or energy drink reps might try to disrupt the process?
I have to say, I'm glad this is going to finally have something public behind it. I'd be interesting to see what SUM/MLS are doing behind the scenes for this, too. We know who is footing the bill, but they have a huge vested interest in this, as well.
Just read the article. That’s incredible. Great job guys.

My only concern is that this seems like it’s in the final approval stages. One snag and you are back at square one.
Unfortunately, I don't think this is the case. It will still need to go through the ULURP process, unless there is a mayoral zoning override.

It does appear that its just about ready to enter into ULURP though, and the gears seem to be properly greased to move through that.
Unfortunately, I don't think this is the case. It will still need to go through the ULURP process, unless there is a mayoral zoning override.

It does appear that its just about ready to enter into ULURP though, and the gears seem to be properly greased to move through that.

Reminder on the ULURP process:

Still possibly half a year away from the pending application submission. I think you're right in that the team has probably been focusing much of its efforts on getting this through community boards and the like as quickly as possible.