Reminder on the ULURP process:
Still possibly half a year away from the pending application submission. I think you're right in that the team has probably been focusing much of its efforts on getting this through community boards and the like as quickly as possible.
I would like to say, that I think the Community Board wants this to happen.
And I want to be clear here, that this is my opinion of interpreting what the CB4 district manager, Paul Philps, said at the May 2019 CB4 meeting.
At that meeting, he noted that it was critical that this move along quickly, because there were still a couple of things that need to happen. First, he mentioned that there would need to be an environmental impact statement done. This is also known as a DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) and ultimately a FEIS (final). For reference on timeline, for the Bronx Special Natural Area Districts Update, a public hearing on the DEIS was held on 8/14/19, and a FEIS was issued on 9/13/19.
Then the ULURP process starts, Philps threw out there that that is a "7 month process".
Circling back to his Philps' comment on that this moves along quickly, he noted that there are still a couple of longish (what is considered "long" anymore regarding stadium search?) lead time events that need to happen. His concern is that if this takes too long and bleeds into 2021, there will be a new administration established at all levels, that would ultimately be voting throughout the various steps of the ULURP process (Borough President, City Planning Commission, City Council, and then the Mayor).
From the way he was talking about this, I got the sense that he wants this to happen, and I don't think he'd be speaking in that manner if he didn't have at least a majority of the board on his side. Again, this is my opinion.
He also noted that even though some of the parking garages/lots are owned by NYC Parks, that they wouldn't have to be replaced with parkland, since those properties are not zoned as parkland. So that is a hurdle that won't need to be crossed.