Supporter Flags

I like the idea for your generic flag. Maybe readjust the cross so it intersects closer to the left. Akin to the Scandinavian flags.

These are great ideas though
This sign, with our crest
How about altering it to say "Do not cross the third rail". Seems more accurate to what you're trying to say, without losing the validity of the sign's origin.

This first flag is my favorite by far. Whenever the SG's come together, if the name allows, I think this would be a really cool flag to use. We can replace the crest in the center with our SG crest. And either fully remove the NYC seal in the top left, or replace it with something else. Though I kinda like it there.


This next flag uses the colors on Amsterdam. It looks cool, though it's definitely got a Third Reich feel to it.

If there is anyone out there with even miniscule photoshop or MSPaint talent, think you can alter the top flag a little? Like adding a white outline to the blue "cross" and filling in the white background with the light blue/ManC Blue.
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I went ahead and did a piss-poor MSPaint mockup. I think it looks pretty awesome though. I was thinking we could also use the MTA Token / Pentagon in place of the NYC crest.
But it'd definitely look really nice having these things waving in the crowd, or seeing one massive flag.
completely agree.

I really like "The Third Rail" or "Third Rail SC" its extremely original and backs nyc and also not to fuck with our club/sg cause we're deadly ;)
When I first heard it I wasn't to keen on the idea. Over the past couple weeks it's grown on me a bit.

I'd keep it as plain old 'The Third Rail". Something more imposing about that than having an SC or any other group identifier tacked on at the end.

Someone on twitter suggested removing the seal. I really like this as an SG banner. Has the city colors with ManC blue. It's a flag that would unify all the groups as one.

Someone on twitter suggested removing the seal. I really like this as an SG banner. Has the city colors with ManC blue. It's a flag that would unify all the groups as one.
if the light blue became the navy blue, and the outline of navy became light and the cross was orange then that will be perfect