There is ONE way you should be making an Old Fashioned. Take some maraschino cherries and some oranges...and throw that bullshit in the trash. No. Muddling.
Get yourself a mixing glass. Throw in a bar spoon of white sugar. A bar spoon of brown sugar. A splash of water. Mix that up a bit to get the sugar to dissolve a bit. Add three dashes Angostura bitter, one dash of orange bitters and 2oz of a high quality bourbon OR rye. Mix without ice. Add ice to the mixing glass and stir for 20 seconds to get a nice dilution going. Strain over a fresh, large cube in a tumbler. Cut a small slice of orange peel and pinch it over the glass to release the oils. Drop the peel in the glass.
Drink it up and realize that you're been drinking wrong your entire life!
You are legend for this. Just made it with Elijah Craig Small Batch. So very good!