The Forum Auto Correct of NY-RB (w/o the hyphen) to NJRB Is Bullshit

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I will also say that we're hosted in the UK (awesome host) so freedom of speech doesn't apply here. Pretty sure you get the guillotine over there still for speak out like this. :thumbsdown:

Of course you're joking but this is still a total non-sequitur - neither mgarbowski or anyone else said anything about freedom of speech and it wouldn't apply on a forum in any case, that obviously isn't his issue.

So now to stick my humorless head in the guillotine:

a) I think the find/replace gag is basically harmless and funny and I say this as someone who rolls my eyes at hatred of the red bulls in general.

b) If some rando came in here and made the complaint mgarbowski did then I'd be all for piling on and trolling them but I think the amount he has contributed here ought to buy him a more respectful answer than these.
Dear Dan:

I own my words.
That means I get to pick them.
That means nobody else gets to change them.
That means I take responsibility for them.
But I cannot take responsibility when they are not mine, or cannot even know that they are not mine.

You changed my words without telling me. You had no right to do that without disclosure. I only realized yesterday because I usually type simply "RB" and so this did not come into play very often. I did a search for my affected posts and, apart from me quoting other people, there were maybe only 5-6, some of them from way back before the script was enabled. Because the change was retroactive. People wrote NYRB months before and you changed the record -- you put words in their mouth they did not say -- long after the fact. It boggles my mind that anyone thinks this was appropriate.

Once I caught on, it took a few forum searches and a handful of responses here to figure out the full story. For a few minutes when I was first figuring it out last night I actually entertained the idea the forum was hacked, because I did not want to believe this was done by the forum mods. I thought enough of you to think you would not do something this inappropriate. I gave you too much credit.

Yes, it's a small, near meaningless change. It's also kind of embarrassing that someone in Florida is trolling people in New Jersey about not being New York enough. But the bottom line is: If I cannot trust you on something small I certainly cannot trust you on something larger. You should have given notice. It's your forum, you make the rules. But no ethical rule allows you to change what people write without telling them. It is immoral. It is a breach of trust, and I do not trust you not to do it again because you clearly do not take it seriously.

Lasker thank you.

Tom in Fairfield CT thank you for the message

Midas Mulligan I hear you; you're trying. But you're wrong on this.

If a photo site like Flickr or Smugmug made edits to photo uploads without notice and people found out - the company would not survive. It's a shame you all think so little of your own words to accept this.

My account will remain active and so anyone who wants to keep in touch should send a message. They go to my gmail and so I will get word. Some of you have my email address.

For the 29th and likely last time I will end a post with my favored word for taking the edge off:


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Dear Dan:

I own my words.
That means I get to pick them.
That means nobody else gets to change them.
That means I take responsibility for them.
But I cannot take responsibility when they are not mine, or cannot even know that they are not mine.

You changed my words without telling me. You had no right to do that without disclosure. I only realized yesterday because I usually type simply "RB" and so this did not come into play very often. I did a search for my affected posts and, apart from me quoting other people, there were maybe only 5-6, some of them from way back before the script was enabled. Because the change was retroactive. People wrote NJRB months before and you changed the record -- you put words in their mouth they did not say -- long after the fact. It boggles my mind that anyone thinks this was appropriate.

Once I caught on, it took a few forum searches and a handful of responses here to figure out the full story. For a few minutes when I was first figuring it out last night I actually entertained the idea the forum was hacked, because I did not want to believe this was done by the forum mods. I thought enough of you to think you would not do something this inappropriate. I gave you too much credit.

Yes, it's a small, near meaningless change. It's also kind of embarrassing that someone in Florida is trolling people in New Jersey about not being New York enough. But the bottom line is: If I cannot trust you on something small I certainly cannot trust you on something larger. You should have given notice. It's your forum, you make the rules. But no ethical rule allows you to change what people write without telling them. It is immoral. It is a breach of trust, and I do not trust you not to do it again because you clearly do not take it seriously.

Lasker thank you.

Tom in Fairfield CT thank you for the message

Midas Mulligan I hear you; you're trying. But you're wrong on this.

If a photo site like Flickr or Smugmug made edits to photo uploads without notice and people found out - the company would not survive. It's a shame you all think so little of your own words to accept this.

My account will remain active and so anyone who wants to keep in touch should send a message. They go to my gmail and so I will get word. Some of you have my email address.

For the 29th and likely last time I will end a post with my favored word for taking the edge off:


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Words build bridges
Work makes you free
Stay chill
I still can't tell if your yankin' some chains or not, but i'm starting to think you are actually serious.

If you are.........well....hmmmm, not really sure what to say.

It amazes me that something like this bothers you at all, let alone enough to spend the time to search your post history, write out a long letter to Dan, and take screenshots of your accolades. Seriously?

Btw, it's kind of hypocritical of you to find this filter to be such a travesty. Let me quote you from the Third Rail Derby Snapchat Filter Stunt thread, where the filter that Third Rail created got added to snapchat.

Well done. It's the kind of thing that is retrospect makes you wonder why nobody did it before, which is often the type of creativity I find most impressive.
You praised TR for setting up that filter, in which snapchat edited the photos created by people without their permission or prior knowledge. Where was the outrage for that?

Basically, grow up kid.

And Dan, don't change the filter.
A lot of people are coming to this thread and saying things like, "get over it" or "just forget it." Personally I thought the NYRB "autocorrect" was somewhat amusing and in the spirit of the board. But neither of those things matter at all. What matters is that mgarbowski strenuously objected to what he seems to have been unaware of, and it looks like he felt was a violation of his trust that what he said here would stay as he said it. Period.

I'm not in his head nor have I talked to him about it so I can't claim with certainty that that's what he felt but that's what it looks like to me. He felt violated. And when that happens the only proper response is to say you understand. Pretty much the only decent thing to say is, "wow, that sucks," or perhaps, "man, I had no idea anyone would react this way so let me think about this."

If your kid's getting hassled at school over something or hates a teacher you don't say, "chin up, kid, everything will be fine." No, what you say is, "jeez, that stinks, that must feel pretty crappy." You don't deny and invalidate how they feel, you instead acknowledge their feelings, and if they're young maybe help them understand what it is they're feeling. You *don't* say, "tough shit kid, get over yourself."

So even if not one single person agrees with mgarbowski about this, to have dozens of people come on here and pile on saying it's stupid for him to feel that way just plain sucks. It's how he felt about it, and that should have been considered rather than having it be summarily dismissed. And now instead of this being an amusing incident, one of the most frequent participants is now maybe gone (which I think was his point in posting that screenshot).

Nobody's right or wrong here, but a simple acknowledgement of how mgarbowski felt about it might've gone a long ways to keeping this just as the small thing it should've stayed as.
A lot of people are coming to this thread and saying things like, "get over it" or "just forget it." Personally I thought the NJRB "autocorrect" was somewhat amusing and in the spirit of the board. But neither of those things matter at all. What matters is that mgarbowski strenuously objected to what he seems to have been unaware of, and it looks like he felt was a violation of his trust that what he said here would stay as he said it. Period.

I'm not in his head nor have I talked to him about it so I can't claim with certainty that that's what he felt but that's what it looks like to me. He felt violated. And when that happens the only proper response is to say you understand. Pretty much the only decent thing to say is, "wow, that sucks," or perhaps, "man, I had no idea anyone would react this way so let me think about this."

If your kid's getting hassled at school over something or hates a teacher you don't say, "chin up, kid, everything will be fine." No, what you say is, "jeez, that stinks, that must feel pretty crappy." You don't deny and invalidate how they feel, you instead acknowledge their feelings, and if they're young maybe help them understand what it is they're feeling. You *don't* say, "tough shit kid, get over yourself."

So even if not one single person agrees with mgarbowski about this, to have dozens of people come on here and pile on saying it's stupid for him to feel that way just plain sucks. It's how he felt about it, and that should have been considered rather than having it be summarily dismissed. And now instead of this being an amusing incident, one of the most frequent participants is now maybe gone (which I think was his point in posting that screenshot).

Nobody's right or wrong here, but a simple acknowledgement of how mgarbowski felt about it might've gone a long ways to keeping this just as the small thing it should've stayed as.
3 people replied before he said he's gone. 3 people. 2 of them simply asked if he's posting this because of the result and being mad/inebriated as it happened immediately after.
You have no idea how difficult it was to run this forum when we first started. 5 people want this 10 people want that and so on. Compromise on this compromise on that. I banned like 10+ people simply because they were city fans and everyone else called them trolls and would wage war after every post. Now that's ridiculous.
So if one person simply can't word NY-RB slightly differently to keep it from being NYRB and COMPROMISE then I'm sorry I can't help you.
It was basically a post attacking me and the other admins and using profanity laden language telling us what to do or else. I'm not bending over for someone like that regardless of how long they've been here.
3 people replied before he said he's gone. 3 people. 2 of them simply asked if he's posting this because of the result and being mad/inebriated as it happened immediately after.
You have no idea how difficult it was to run this forum when we first started. 5 people want this 10 people want that and so on. Compromise on this compromise on that. I banned like 10+ people simply because they were city fans and everyone else called them trolls and would wage war after every post. Now that's ridiculous.
So if one person simply can't word NY-RB slightly differently to keep it from being NJRB and COMPROMISE then I'm sorry I can't help you.
It was basically a post attacking me and the other admins and using profanity laden language telling us what to do or else. I'm not bending over for someone like that regardless of how long they've been here.
Well, to be honest, I *do* possibly know what it's like to run this forum as I was the mcfcnyc forum admin. And I have a suspicion that many of those City fan trolls you speak of are the same people who were on there, except on there it was their home territory. Fun!

And I am in no way saying you or any of the other admins here did anything wrong, because you didn't. All I'm saying is that this was handled as if it were an irate customer situation rather than an "are you drunk" situation things might've come out different. Not saying there was any sort of a foul, but perhaps there was just a bit of harm.
A lot of people are coming to this thread and saying things like, "get over it" or "just forget it." Personally I thought the NJRB "autocorrect" was somewhat amusing and in the spirit of the board. But neither of those things matter at all. What matters is that mgarbowski strenuously objected to what he seems to have been unaware of, and it looks like he felt was a violation of his trust that what he said here would stay as he said it. Period.

I'm not in his head nor have I talked to him about it so I can't claim with certainty that that's what he felt but that's what it looks like to me. He felt violated. And when that happens the only proper response is to say you understand. Pretty much the only decent thing to say is, "wow, that sucks," or perhaps, "man, I had no idea anyone would react this way so let me think about this."

If your kid's getting hassled at school over something or hates a teacher you don't say, "chin up, kid, everything will be fine." No, what you say is, "jeez, that stinks, that must feel pretty crappy." You don't deny and invalidate how they feel, you instead acknowledge their feelings, and if they're young maybe help them understand what it is they're feeling. You *don't* say, "tough shit kid, get over yourself."

So even if not one single person agrees with mgarbowski about this, to have dozens of people come on here and pile on saying it's stupid for him to feel that way just plain sucks. It's how he felt about it, and that should have been considered rather than having it be summarily dismissed. And now instead of this being an amusing incident, one of the most frequent participants is now maybe gone (which I think was his point in posting that screenshot).

Nobody's right or wrong here, but a simple acknowledgement of how mgarbowski felt about it might've gone a long ways to keeping this just as the small thing it should've stayed as.
I personally think the autocorrect is both funny, amusing and appropriate for an NYCFC fan site. It was also discussed at length last year which is why it's surprising Mark didn't know about it considering how involved he was on the boards as a poster; in fairness though, not all info disseminated is absorbed and maybe that was just glossed over - it happens.

However, where Mark's rant lost all position of moral superiority is when he attacked Dan with pointed profanity in an open thread (not a PM) while saying Dan has one chance to make amends - this coming from a person that writes he owns his words and what he writes; obviously not, because he later deleted the profanity. That's not owning, that's simply trying to erase a childish an uncalled for action (impossible in cyberspace) and hopefully there was an apology longer than 'sorry' via PM. It also comes just days after he slams me for not being gracious and admitting I'm either wrong or don't know any better. I don't bring that up because my feathers were ruffled, they weren't/aren't, I say it because being gracious goes both ways and Mark didn't give Dan or the Mods any room to discuss (what's been known/out of the bag for a long time) before condemning them publicly with a pointed attack.

I hope Mark doesn't leave the boards, but if he does then I wish him the best and hope to run into him at the stadium.
Depends on what kind of forum you want. mgarbowski is a super active, very respectful member that contributes research, analysis and charts way beyond what anyone else does. Having him here makes the site MUCH better for everyone here. Acknowledging and speaking to someone directly that contributes valuable content wouldn't be bending over, it would be smart forum management. Unless you think people come here just for the angela miller rants.
Depends on what kind of forum you want. mgarbowski is a super active, very respectful member that contributes research, analysis and charts way beyond what anyone else does. Having him here makes the site MUCH better for everyone here. Acknowledging and speaking to someone directly that contributes valuable content wouldn't be bending over, it would be smart forum management. Unless you think people come here just for the angela miller rants.
I'm still not grasping where I went wrong here. Before I even made a single post he said he was done. Before he even said that this was serious when 2 posters asked him if it was serious, he said he's done.
Yet I'm a 'fuckhead' when at the time I had zero knowledge that a member had an issue and wanted it addressed ASAP with disregard to everyone else's wishes.
And again, I'm at a crossroads with your reply Tom in Fairfield CT because while you expect seniority to rule in this case and we should do everything in our power to accommodate I don't appreciate being called out publicly. This should of been handled via PM. I would have found a way to either not have him affected by the filter or we could have discussed removing the filter. He chose to post it on the forum where everyone could see and got pissed off because 2 people disagreed with him and decided to leave. I never got a PM, I just got called out (not even tagged for that matter..) on here and before I even had a chance to reply he said he's done. Also, I've spent years upon years on forums, as a member and staff, and a community is always going to be a mixed bag. You don't have to like everyone (we have an ignore function for a reason) but no one member should have absolute power just because he contributes more than others.
I'm still not grasping where I went wrong here. Before I even made a single post he said he was done. Before he even said that this was serious when 2 posters asked him if it was serious, he said he's done.
Yet I'm a 'fuckhead' when at the time I had zero knowledge that a member had an issue and wanted it addressed ASAP with disregard to everyone else's wishes.
And again, I'm at a crossroads with your reply Tom in Fairfield CT because while you expect seniority to rule in this case and we should do everything in our power to accommodate I don't appreciate being called out publicly. This should of been handled via PM. I would have found a way to either not have him affected by the filter or we could have discussed removing the filter. He chose to post it on the forum where everyone could see and got pissed off because 2 people disagreed with him and decided to leave. I never got a PM, I just got called out (not even tagged for that matter..) on here and before I even had a chance to reply he said he's done. Also, I've spent years upon years on forums, as a member and staff, and a community is always going to be a mixed bag. You don't have to like everyone (we have an ignore function for a reason) but no one member should have absolute power just because he contributes more than others.
Not saying you did anything wrong, but as all the married guys here know, that doesn't matter. Let's do whatever needs to be done to get one of the best posters on here back and happy.
Not saying you did anything wrong, but as all the married guys here know, that doesn't matter. Let's do whatever needs to be done to get one of the best posters on here back and happy.

Does he really want to come back? As NYCFC_Dan accurately points out he didn't really handle his dissatisfaction in a way that would have allowed any attempt at a resolution. He just exploded and left. The level and rate of escalation is just bizarre. What is Dan to do? Changes the filter, plead with him to come back and then we can all tip toe around until the next explosion?

I know this is very cynical but does it really seem possible that he was totally unaware of the filter until now? Especially considering how active he went out of his way to show us he was? For any of the active posters on here ask yourself how many conversations you have seen where someone discovered the filter and we all had a good laugh? I'm not going to search around but I have to have seen it at least 5 times. It happens in almost every RB pre-match and post match thread. Sad to see him go, and I respect his opinion but this whole thing is just strange and feels very fabricated.
I know this is very cynical but does it really seem possible that he was totally unaware of the filter until now? Especially considering how active he went out of his way to show us he was? For any of the active posters on here ask yourself how many conversations you have seen where someone discovered the filter and we all had a good laugh? I'm not going to search around but I have to have seen it at least 5 times. It happens in almost every RB pre-match and post match thread. Sad to see him go, and I respect his opinion but this whole thing is just strange and feels very fabricated.
Regardless of the issue, I think it's totally possible he had no idea of the filter. I have been a member since October and although can be considered a "newb" I have been active since joining. I had thought people quoted NJRB as a gag and I just followed suit. I had no idea about the filter until yesterday.
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