The People Vs Manchester City

You're good man. I think what he's trying to say is that Villa certainly drew peoples attention to NYCFC. Whether they joined because of him is irrelevant. I think those in the Uk that were on the fence about NYCFC and figured it MIGHT be a development team so they didn't pay us much mind were happy to see we signed villa and thus their interest peaked. Great to see NYCFC will be it's own team that owners are taking serious.
We jumped about 300% in activity and about 700% in visits from Uk once villa was signed which is awesome.
I'm not complaining at all about that. And I don't care why people are coming. Just glad it's helped us bring more people to this community. Feel free to look through the forums and join in on discussions. Warzone isn't a place I like to hang around.
With the exception of 4-5 guys... you all showed up on Monday. Period.

Think some just might have come across from BM because of this posted at 11:58pm UK time on Sunday, so many will have seen it on Monday.

Villa might have helped, but the "Will you support NYCFC debate" might have got stoked up a little on our side lol

Starting to get to grips with your logic now and it was initial shock / horror"

Still we are all getting along now :)
There was a bit of a purge yesterday and I think we are better today because of it. Things will more than likely settle down with respect to ManC v NYC. Either way, the guys who want to be a part of this moment in American Soccer History will stay and the trolls, snobs and dicks will fall to the wayside.
There was a bit of a purge yesterday and I think we are better today because of it. Things will more than likely settle down with respect to ManC v NYC. Either way, the guys who want to be a part of this moment in American Soccer History will stay and the trolls, snobs and dicks will fall to the wayside.
Shit man. I'm not sure that's possible. You live here. You know we're all trolls, snobs, or dicks, or some combination. That's what makes us New Yorkers. And by God, we're fucking awesome. Far better than any other city. Kiss my ass if you don't agree.
Shit man. I'm not sure that's possible. You live here. You know we're all trolls, snobs, or dicks, or some combination. That's what makes us New Yorkers. And by God, we're fucking awesome. Far better than any other city. Kiss my ass if you don't agree.
This guy makes a good point.

We are better.
I'd advise you read the Code of Conduct. We don't mind you talking over this stuff, but personal insults are not acceptable.

So am I to understand that cockwomble, etc. are acceptable forms of 'abuse" but referring to someone as a d bag, which is even acceptable by network television standards, is where you draw the line? You've been on blue moon bro, come off it. Quite a Warzone this is. Is there a specific thread count for the pillow fight?
So am I to understand that cockwomble, etc. are acceptable forms of 'abuse" but referring to someone as a d bag, which is even acceptable by network television standards, is where you draw the line? You've been on blue moon bro, come off it. Quite a Warzone this is. Is there a specific thread count for the pillow fight?
No. The discharge who did that was relieved of his privileges.
So am I to understand that cockwomble, etc. are acceptable forms of 'abuse" but referring to someone as a d bag, which is even acceptable by network television standards, is where you draw the line? You've been on blue moon bro, come off it. Quite a Warzone this is. Is there a specific thread count for the pillow fight?

As Midas says, the guy who used the "cockwomble" phrase was kickbanned immediately afterwards. He had already been warned over his conduct, though.

It's not the language I was objecting to. Swearing is permitted on the forum. It's the aiming insults at other users. We don't mind things getting heated in this area of the forum so long as people don't resort to personal attacks.
Surely calling someone a discharge is a personal insult.... is it one rule for staff and another for the rest ;)

We don't ban any insulting language, we ban insults aimed at members, because where one insult is made it tends to be followed by someone throwing an insult back and then the entire conversation degenerates rapidly and ceases to be a useful discussion. Since Blue Smarties is long gone, I don't anticipate that happening here.
Surely calling someone a discharge is a personal insult.... is it one rule for staff and another for the rest ;)
Just making a joke since @Brahma_B was complaining about d-bag. I meant it as a discharge from the site. ;)

Oh, and I'm not a mod anywhere but Social forum. I'm not even a responsible poster anywhere else.
Just making a joke since @Brahma_B was complaining about d-bag. I meant it as a discharge from the site. ;)

Oh, and I'm not a mod anywhere but Social forum. I'm not even a responsible poster anywhere else.

TBH, Cockwomble is a new one on us Brits too and has been appropriately trademarked on Bluemoon.
TBH, Cockwomble is a new one on us Brits too and has been appropriately trademarked on Bluemoon.
Do you know what it is? I think if I can figure it out, my wife might like it. Anything to keep the fire burning.
No, he's suggesting that a lot of MCFC fans simply didn't care about the New York club up until it signed its first player, or at the very least that you might have been interested, but it took Villa's signing for the club to persuade you to join this forum. Even if that's not actually the case for you, you have to concede that the fact that 75% of the MCFC fans on this forum signed up on the day Villa was unveiled, or immediately after, is rather too much of a coincidence - there had to have been something about Villa signing which persuaded people to come here.
Tbh mate I didn't even know where the forum was until we had a thread on bluemoon about it, then I thought I'd come on here and try to get on with people since relationships seemed to be deteriorating.
Tbh mate I didn't even know where the forum was until we had a thread on bluemoon about it, then I thought I'd come on here and try to get on with people since relationships seemed to be deteriorating.

That's fair enough I guess.

I wasn't personally that fussed - I just saw where the other user commenting on the same issue was coming from.