I wasn't responding regarding this thread I was responding regarding the claim that MCFC supporters are persecuted here. They're not as long as their posts are in the correct sections. Same with all supporters with different team affiliations.
If I post in a NYCFC Supporters Den section saying NYCFC fans should respect MCFC because if this or that I would hope the members here would rip me apart as well. If you look at threads regarding MCFC started in the correct sections there is no hate or arguing. Respect goes both ways.
That's fine dan,my point is if there is a sarcastic post aimed at MCFC and a MCFC fan disagrees,they will respond to it..for example the post earlier in the thread "the closer NYCFC get to MCFC,the further away I will be",what is that all about?.I fully understand NYCFC fans want to be independent but can't see it happening as you are part of a group.If the owners make a decision to,let's say,make us all wear a yellow football kit,then that's what happens,that's the way the cookie crumbles......If YOU own YOU do as you choose......Manchester city will not decide what happens to any of the clubs in the group,the owners and the people that work for them will.......We were just lucky enough to be the first project,and as you will find out,things will just get better for the WHOLE group,not just MCFC.