Uploads Not Available


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I'm getting a message that uploads are not available when I try to attach a photo to a post. I tried another browser just to make sure it wasn't a local issue but same thing in both Chrome and Firefox.

Am I trouble? Have I uploaded too many photos?

No trouble here.
I'm getting a message that uploads are not available when I try to attach a photo to a post. I tried another browser just to make sure it wasn't a local issue but same thing in both Chrome and Firefox.

Am I trouble? Have I uploaded too many photos?
Can you post a screenshot? Or try on a phone and see if that maybe works.
If you go under preferences there's an option 'use flash based uploaded to upload attachments' try turning that off and do it again
I usually drag-and-drop photos into the reply area and when I was doing that, the box would darken and give me the message overtop the reply area. For whatever reason seems not be an issue now! I tried in this thread, and the jersey thread (where I think I originally had the problem, not sure) and worked fine in both (both drag and drop, and selecting upload a file). Thanks and sorry for the bother
I usually drag-and-drop photos into the reply area and when I was doing that, the box would darken and give me the message overtop the reply area. For whatever reason seems not be an issue now! I tried in this thread, and the jersey thread (where I think I originally had the problem, not sure) and worked fine in both (both drag and drop, and selecting upload a file). Thanks and sorry for the bother
Glad it was resolved. Let me know if it happens again.