What Players Other Than Villa And Mix Are Mls Caliber?

"Success," as related to the game and this conversation, is being a productive member of a competitive squad. You don't have to be a "star" to have success. These players may not be the go to guys but they had and have some value. That is why they play in MLS and that is why they had and have contracts.

MLS roster rules make it impossible to simply protect your "best"11. Between the homegrown spots, international slots, designated player slots and the need to cut salaries, the players available in the expansion draft represent a mish mosh of good, bad and indifferent. The nature of expansion drafts, in any sport, is that good players are available.

Oh I agree, which is why I'm saying most of our players are not productive. If you sub most of our players with an average player, I think our team takes a significant leap. Some of our players may have been good players years ago, but right now, they are not productive. It doesn't matter what formation we're in, there have been MANY opportunities that aren't capitalized on.