What's The Beef about our NYCFC Jersey

MC is going maroon for its secondary kit. They have been going loud with secondary and third kits the last few seasons (see, for example, the recent orange/purple highlighter kit). I hope this doesn't mean that we are going orange on orange next season.

MC is going maroon for its secondary kit. They have been going loud with secondary and third kits the last few seasons (see, for example, the recent orange/purple highlighter kit). I hope this doesn't mean that we are going orange on orange next season.

Aren't all teams going rather crazy with the colors of the 2nd/3rd jerseys? With 75% of the league either Blue/Red as their primary, they need something so different that it's not a case of Red/White trim vs White/Red trim....
MC is going maroon for its secondary kit. They have been going loud with secondary and third kits the last few seasons (see, for example, the recent orange/purple highlighter kit). I hope this doesn't mean that we are going orange on orange next season.

Not the first time Man City has done maroon, has been done other times in their past.
2012/13 MCFC Away kit;
An orange tertiary kit would be fine, but not sure about secondary. The hypnokit has grown on me, and I do like the dark blue with orange accents as a color scheme for a secondary.
Aren't all teams going rather crazy with the colors of the 2nd/3rd jerseys? With 75% of the league either Blue/Red as their primary, they need something so different that it's not a case of Red/White trim vs White/Red trim....
Yeah, I think that some of the recent EPL and La Liga highlighter kits are fun, and although I do like orange, I would prefer not to go overboard on orange on orange secondary kits.
I'd kill for a secondary/tertiary jersey like the USA bomb pop jerseys, but with the NYC flag instead.
In light of the discussion of gaudy 2nd/3rd kits, copying this from the other jersey thread.


The soon to be 10-year-old decided to design a third kit for the Club. Here it is. Please be merciful.

cant say i agree with the clashing of hexagonal, triangular, tri-color array and mix matching of socks.
although, i do like the orange stripe on the socks.
also would prefer a sponsor on each jersey rather than just one.
one bite everyone knows the rules *takes 3 bites and starts a new slice*

Unfortunately, yes.

I'd rather it be vertical. So one sleeve and 1/3 of the body is blue, middle 1/3 is white, one sleeve and 1/3 of the body is orange. Throw the sponsor across the middle, ideally just in the white part. Have the back be all white for the name and number (like the waldo) and continue the color pattern at the base of the back.