Why Did You Become A Nycfc Fan?

Living in Nj I followed rbny and attended games. To me the organization never cared for the fans input as far as their crest and jerseys were concerned. For years and even still now fans wanted a jersey that reflected the teams history and colors and fo did not and does not care. The team is a vehicle to further promote their drink in my opinion. NYC FC polled their fan base and asked what crest they would like and encourage supporter involvement. rbny hasn't done that at all, their mentality is buy it and like it. Another thing I did not like was the in-fighting amongst the supporter groups and clique-ish behavior exhibited by one group in particular. We are supposed to be united under one banner and purpose, To support our club. I am looking forward to supporting our boys in blue in Yankee Stadium and being a part of something organic and special.
I also came to love the game later in life. At some point in the 2010 World Cup, I finally viewed enough soccer that it began making sense. As it was, MLS still wasn't on my radar. By this point, I guess at least rumors already circulated about our team.

Given that I'm a Yankees and Giants man, I could never willfully choose the Mets/Jets combo when there was the promise of a real local team.

I have nothing for MCFC. I appreciate the resources and potential growth to the league the association might provide, but I'd just as soon we have no relation to them. Adopted #scouseforlife

Nonetheless, like the club, I wasn't born here, but I've made this city my home by choice. My city, My team. Fuck you if that's not real enough for you.

Ps: And fuck me for forgetting about the meeting today. Damn damn damn.

Holy shit was I drunk. Hashtagging and calling myself scouse? Let me apologize for not being a good forum member and properly passing out after 20 pints. Just saw that I had posted this. Fuck me for being such a jackass. Seriously, my apologies.

ETA a better answer:
NYCFC is our local team. I love footy. I can't wait to finally have a team here in the City.

I may be the only person who has decided not to move because of a football club (MC supporters excepted, as I'm sure many of you are that passionate). Not having been born in NYC, I have never considered myself a lifer, despite the fact that I've lived here practically my entire life post-schooling (it'll be 10 years next year). I've always had designs on escaping from here and "living the good life" in a less expensive place after I established myself career-wise.

Now, I feel like I'm pretty close to reaching that personally, but I feel so strongly about being a part of seeing to the success of the game and club in this town that I can't imagine leaving.

It's really unhealthy, I suppose. But so is drinking.

As I read in an article about people quitting their jobs to go to Brazil, "Maybe a life led without saying 'fuck it' at least once isn't a life worth living."
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I was brought here via MCFC and stayed because if NYCFC's social team. The job they do interacting with fans on social media is incredible. Won me over for sure.
I've been a Whitecaps fan since they came into MLS (love Vancouver and reminded me of NASL heyday). Having a team in the Bronx with easy access by Metro-North is this soccer fan's dream come true.
I live in Philadelphia--"home" of the Union. The problem is that the stadium is about 30 miles outside of the city. They are only 5 years old, but I never felt any connection with the start-up of the team or supporters. As Chance said at the meeting earlier today (thank you for the stream!) that this is a chance to be in at the very beginning of a franchise. I know I don't live there, but the fact that the stadium will be within city limits is a much better deal. As a matter of fact, I could be persuaded to make the trek to PPL Park just to support NYCFC! I will also try to make some matches in the city and be in the home crowd. Besides--I've often been know not to go with the normal flow. So, I'd be happy to support NYC just because it will make others around here a bit crazy!
PPL is a nice place to see a game. Went there a few years ago to support the 'Caps. The Union fans were not amused.
I'm a NYer, born and raised and I'm also Neapolitan. I've always loved soccer and I'm a die-hard Napoli fan and Yankee fan. I've lightly followed MLS, but I never got into the Red Bulls. They don't feel like a hometown team to me, and they have a stupid name and logo. I've been waiting for NYC to get a team so that I can really get into MLS. I'd love to see this great sport grow in popularity in the US. This team is the perfect situation.
@snoolg no love for the Cosmos then?
Grew up on St. Louis Storm & then DC United... Couldn't bring myself to root for the Metrostars/RedBulls once I moved to NY but I miss having a local team to root for. As a lifelong Mets fan I can barely bring myself to support anything with any connection to the Yankees, but I'm trying to come to terms with it.
I grew up in NJ as a casual Metrostars fan. I stuck with them when they became the Red Bulls and will never "hate" RBNY -- but the corporatization of them really turned me off. I'm never bothered by that sort of thing but they're simply not fun to root for anymore. I knew if/when a real NYC team was announced I'd put all my passion towards it.
I played soccer as a kid but never got into watching it until the 2006 World Cup. Even after then, MLS never grabbed me and I watched mainly Champions League and Serie A, being a casual Napoli, Palermo and Catania fan. I had tried to like the Red Bulls but they just didn't interest me. Maybe it was their uniforms, the blatant corporate sponsorship, the fact that their home is in the armpit of NJ, or the fact that one of their former strikers used to sit directly behind me in high school who I wasn't particularly fond of (the fact that he used to do the Michael Jackson Thriller dance after he'd score confirmed I'd still not like him to this day, 20 years out of high school). I will say that I am excited for the Cosmos to develop ever since I watched their documentary and learned about their unique history.

But the moment I saw the NYCFC logo it was over. No funky names or insignia, traditional NY Blue all the way, even reminiscent of the old subway tokens. They were part of the Yankees as well which clinched it for me. I am NYC born and raised and see the chance to grow with a team and be a charter member of The Third Rail too cool of an opportunity to pass up. I am looking forward to 2015.
There's a bunch of us that are Mets fans, and fans of other epl clubs.
Indeed, I'm rooting for NYCFC despite my loathing for all things Yankee ;) As for the EPL I'm going to provisionally root for MCFC this season, although I reserve the right to change my mind.
Pick Chelsea. We have the special one. Hopefully we now have a #9 who can actually score some goals.
I became a legit soccer fan probably only four years ago. I've always watched every match of a world cup and US qualifiers, but I didn't become a fan until the EPL season after the world cup. I figured I'd become a Red Bulls fan. Coincided with the new stadium, Henry, etc... I just never took to them. I remember being disappointed by RBNY that year and never once making it to the stadium. They weren't really for me.

Once I knew NY2 was coming... I jumped on board. I wanted to be around from the beginning. I'm a diehard Yankees fan, but it almost doesn't count. I'm not a diehard any other fan whatsoever and I kinda hate it. I don't live and die by team success/failure. I usually follow players that I like mostly. I don't know if its a product of my job covering sports since I was 16 or what, but I've never cared enough about teams.

That's why I became an American Outlaw. We're not dominant in soccer (obviously) and I can't think of anything I love more than being an American (yup, that's the right wing in me), so it felt okay being a diehard because its not like the olympics where its front running. It's loving something so much even when you expect to lose. I cried uncontrollably at the bar when we lost to Ghana.

I love that feeling and I can't wait to lose horribly with NYCFC and I can't wait for the feeling of winning with NYCFC. It's what being a fanatic is about. Passion is big in my life. I'm passionate about my job, my relationships, etc... I am passionate about NYCFC.

Are you the same Section1Guy who i believe use to be big in the forums for section 1 football (american that is)? I played for Briarcliff in the early to mid 2000's and i remember your name being all over the place.
Indeed, I'm rooting for NYCFC despite my loathing for all things Yankee ;) As for the EPL I'm going to provisionally root for MCFC this season, although I reserve the right to change my mind.

What would make you change your mind ? (genuine question)
What would make you change your mind ? (genuine question)
At this point my loyalty to MCFC is not deep as I'm just starting to follow the EPL and I picked them because they are NYCFC sister club, so I could at some point find I like another team for whatever reason.