Fancy seeing you back on hereDifferent xG models may produce slightly different results, but my tally is that we would be 12-3 based on xG. That would be tied for the best in the league with SKC. East as a whole would stack up like this:
NYCFC - 12-3
Orlando - 10-5
Chicago - 9-5
Toronto - 9-6
New England - 9-6
NYRB - 7-8
Atlanta - 6-7
Columbus - 7-9
Philadelphia - 6-8
Montreal - 5-7
DC United - 3-11
The other thing I had done is try normalize for home/away imbalance by projecting points for every team based on remaining home and away matches and using their home and away PPG to date. It fails to account for strength of schedule and some other relevant data, but it eliminates the home/away imbalance which is so relevant in MLS given the extreme skews. That produces the following projected point totals:
Toronto - 66.8
Chicago - 60.7
NYCFC - 55.3
Atlanta - 49.7
Orlando - 49.1
New England - 47.7
Montreal - 45.3
NYRB - 43.4
Columbus - 40.4
Philadelphia - 38.9
DC United - 36.8

ETA: I had an awesome gif lined up that just didn't seem to be working...