It's definitely getting to the point where the moxy of having season tickets is on the wrong side of the pendulum considering the lower prices, and glut of tix, available on the secondary market. I've been (somewhat) eating a third seat each season so that my daughter has a guaranteed ticket when she gets older, but if we're still in fcking Yankee Stadium for the foreseeable future, with dwindling STH numbers, then there's really no concern about dropping her ticket and picking it up again when there's a real stadium built - it's not as if they won't give STH the option to pick up additional seats before the general public does.
The club really needs to show their commitment to the current fan base, and the ones that are debating giving up their tix, by massively dropping the prices of season packages (not simply holding steady and increasing single game prices). Prices have marginally gone up every year, and while the product is better, the venue is still sub-standard for soccer, so if anything, the club should drop prices for full season packages as a reward for a season's investment. If the single-game ticket is $45, make the STH price per game $30 - literally only 2/3 the price, NOT the $3 difference it is now - it has to be something that truly rewards while also creating a buffer zone on the secondary market for STH to sell that entices the buyer to get from them rather than from the club's open/sellable seats.