2019 Season Ticket Thread

It's all relatively GA. There are ushers at the top of each section that are supposed to review ticket sections and such, but they tend to allow you through if you have the orange colored supporters section ticket. If they are one of the stringent few, you just go down the staircase for your ticket's section and then walk over a section or two to be with your friends.

Example: Your ticket is 235, but your friends are in 237. Just go to section 235, show ticket, walk down a few stairs, and then walk over/across 236 and then 237 to meet up with said friends.

Thanks. Makes sense.

You must not read many of my posts -- if you had, you definitely wouldn't have used an example based on "having friends".
I had my seat assignment call today. I'm happy with my seat location but was curious to see what was available. I was offered first row seats but at the end of the row. I quickly declined. We have a good group that sits close together so didn't want to move away from them.

I think I just took those. I was in Delta Sec. 221A front row seats. That section is 2 away from the Delta section closest to midfield. I was also on the aisle of that section further away from midfield. It's not terrible angle, but there are views in Delta substantially better as you move closer to midfield. I moved to front row seats in 222, which is the Delta section closest to midfield on the aisle closest to midfield.

We never got to know the people around us because they kept changing. In fact, half the games we would be the only people in the front row of our section, or maybe there would be one other group, but usually separated by multiple seats. So I don't feel like I'm giving up on any friends or relationships. Also, as I've mentioned before, the seats I'm leaving are for various reasons ones that people tend to sit in even though they are not their proper seats, so I was politely chasing people out 7-8 times every season. It was both mildly amusing and mildly annoying. Now I expect that's over and I won't miss it.

One oddity: yesterday I peeked in early afternoon and the 2 seats I just took were open, together with the 2 immediately next to them. When I looked again last night, they all showed up as taken. When it was my turn today, just the 2 I took were open. A similar thing happened when I switched into the seats I just gave up 2 years ago. Then, when I looked at the virtual venue, no Delta front row seats were available. But when I told the rep I was only interested in switching within Delta if the front row was open, he revealed them somehow. I think they keep things in reserve sometimes, and I don't know how or why or who gets the benefit of it.
Also, the rep used the opportunity to confirm and update various customer profile bits of information. One was to ask who is my favorite player. It's of course the worst possible time to do this, and I told him I needed to look up who was still on the team so I could give an answer. Though it doesn't really matter. Anyway, I said Maxi given who's around right now, with consideration to Ring.
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One oddity: yesterday I peeked in early afternoon and the 2 seats I just took were open, together with the 2 immediately next to them. When I looked again last night, they all showed up as taken. When it was my turn today, just the 2 I took were open. A similar thing happened when I switched into the seats I just gave up 2 years ago. Then, when I looked at the virtual venue, no Delta front row seats were available. But when I told the rep I was only interested in switching within Delta if the front row was open, he revealed them somehow. I think they keep things in reserve sometimes, and I don't know how or why or who gets the benefit of it.

I have (been supremely bored enough to) at various times tried to see if I could understand our attendance better by looking at how many tickets are available from the club for specific matches over the course of time. After a few attempts it became clear things were appearing and disappearing and by the eyeball test of whether anyone sat in the seat, were never sold. The best I came up with is that they transfer available seats around between reps and are controlling what each rep's available inventory is to spread the sales around, but who knows.
Also, the rep used the opportunity to confirm and update various customer profile bits of information. One was to ask who is my favorite player. It's of course the worst possible time to do this, and I told him I needed to look up who was still on the team so I could give an answer. Though it doesn't really matter. Anyway, I said Maxi given who's around right now, with consideration to Ring.

I got the who is your favorite player question too, felt bad for the rep for having to ask. I said "tough question after yesterday, I'll go with Ring." I said something like the Villa loss was tough but we were lucky to have him for 4 years and that the club has big shoes to fill. I wish I could remember the exact wording because the confidence of the response surprised me, she said something like they are confident the club is going to sign player the fans will be excited about and see as a suitable replacement for Villa. I'm sure that's terrible paraphrasing by my part as it was hours ago at this point but the confidence it was presented with made me feel like they have big plans. The cynical side of me says it was just a good sell by a good sales person.
NYCFC ticket sales reps are horrible. I was working with them at the LIJSL convention, a soccer convention, for soccer players and coaches and i shit you not this is what they do:
See's someone walk by and look at the stand
walks over to them
"hey do you like soccer?"
person looks at them and walks away.
How are you guys able to look ahead of time? When I go into the relocation section of the Account Manager, the little boxes won't click, and I get a message saying I have to wait until my appointment.
I wish I could remember the exact wording because the confidence of the response surprised me, she said something like they are confident the club is going to sign player the fans will be excited about and see as a suitable replacement for Villa. I'm sure that's terrible paraphrasing by my part as it was hours ago at this point but the confidence it was presented with made me feel like they have big plans. The cynical side of me says it was just a good sell by a good sales person.
My rep had a similar patter, but also indicated they would go with younger, less known, and dynamic instead of established aging name player. I think he even said stuff like that 2-3 times to fill the time while I called up the current roster to give an answer. Part of it was that the club no longer needs a big name to sell tickets. I find that kind of dubious myself, but I also prefer we not target names for marketing purposes (even though I think they might have to until stadium news at least) so I kept my mouth shut.

Do the reps even know this stuff about the type of players the sporting FO is targeting? ??
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How are you guys able to look ahead of time? When I go into the relocation section of the Account Manager, the little boxes won't click, and I get a message saying I have to wait until my appointment.
Someone posted a link yesterday. Couple of pages back I think in this thread. I don't think it's supposed to work but it does. Or did yesterday at least.
Thanks. I think that link is for buying new season tickets, which I don't think accurately reflects what will be available to current holders that are relocating - at least it hasn't been in the past.
His is the same link you get if you click on the link to buy season tickets as a new member.
Which you only click after looking through the public VV.
In any event, it doesn't matter who is right. Even if I was looking at the public VV yesterday, it is still odd for 4 tickets to show as available in early afternoon, then gone in the evening, then 2 of them become available in the "private" VV today.
When I talked to my rep while I was cancelling, he actually said our renewal rate was our highest yet. Not sure if that was fluff, but he seemed surprised when I mentioned the perception on this forum that renewals were very weak.
math is funny like that. When no one's left but Mariano they can claim to have 100% renewal and probably say it's the best rate league wide.
I'm the proud owner of two spots in 236 now. Woohoo!

Back to basics for me. Ride it out in 215 as my home section, which to me, is still the best tactical view in the stadium.

They didn't even try to argue with me to keep the other seats (126 cum 206 post-net). Although, this is symptomatic of how things are run, they wouldn't sell me the piggy back seats behind my 215 front row seats because there was a block of 3. I mean, that's silly. They just pretty pointlessly cost themselves whatever incremental revenue that could have been solely to keep a 3-seat block. I can't even grasp that given what I expect to happen with STH numbers.
I had a friend organize a get together for the atlanta game, she worked in atlanta for a year and became a supporter, so she wanted to sit near the away supporters section, but we didn't want so we compromised and went to 214B. I thought it was way better then my seats in 127B. I'll probably relocate there tomorrow. Less than half the price and a much much better tactical view as you said. When they attack your side its amazingly good. And even when they don't you can enjoy defensive and midfield play, and its not like its impossible to make out whats happening on the other side. I'll probably hide out in that section till a real stadium gets built (if ever).
I had a friend organize a get together for the atlanta game, she worked in atlanta for a year and became a supporter, so she wanted to sit near the away supporters section, but we didn't want so we compromised and went to 214B. I thought it was way better then my seats in 127B. I'll probably relocate there tomorrow. Less than half the price and a much much better tactical view as you said. When they attack your side its amazingly good. And even when they don't you can enjoy defensive and midfield play, and its not like its impossible to make out whats happening on the other side. I'll probably hide out in that section till a real stadium gets built (if ever).

I think the first time i sat somewhere other than my seats or the SS was a rain match where I was searching for shelter. Me and my buddy sat around 226 in the last row. It was a great view. Since then I’ve made it a point to move to different seats just to check them out. It might be a baseball stadium, but there aren’t plenty of great sightlines if you’re not trying to get as close to the field as possible. Im looking forward to mixing things up each match.
Not gonna be upgrading most likely, I’m in pretty nice seats in section 14 and if it ever rains, there’s usually open seats in 114 behind me in the overhang. Don’t think there’s any better value seats for the buck
My rep had a similar patter, but also indicated they would go with younger, less known, and dynamic instead of established aging name player. I think he even said stuff like that 2-3 times to fill the time while I called up the current roster to give an answer. Part of it was that the club no longer needs a big name to sell tickets. I find that kind of dubious myself, but I also prefer we not target names for marketing purposes (even though I think they might have to until stadium news at least) so I kept my mouth shut.

Do the reps even know this stuff about the type of players the sporting FO is targeting? ??

I don't think the sporting dept is telling them who is being targeted, but I have to imagine they are being told the kind of things to tell people.
So I moved from 127b row 2 aisle to 214b row 1 somewhere middle.

What's lame is I could not move myself cause it was a downgrade. Ridiculous! They red-ed out all the sections below Cat 1 for me.... I don't recall what lame-ass excuse was given for why that is but if they wanted to hide behind it being a technical issue its so very farcical. Clearly they only want to show equal or higher prices. They won't let you shop lower. That is not very fan friendly, but I don't expect much from them anyway.

So I had to give the lady on the phone the general area I wanted. Not my rep, because when my rep called I told her I would handle it myself and hung up when she went on to survey me after I told her I got this. I didn't realize they were going to block me from seeing downgraded options, so I had to call back.

So I told this new lady I wanted the closest thing to row 1 in 214b but I would take 215 or 214A on either side. Pretty simple instructions right? So she pitches me 3 seats a few rows back from the front. I said I don't want 3 seats, I only want to move my 2 seats, whats the closes 2 seats to the front? And she goes, oh ya know what I overheard some people moving I can give you two in row 1. Ain't that just a fackin Christmas miracle that I would call at the exact time as someone moved :unamused:, good thing i didn't take that 3 seats further away from where I asked huh?
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So I moved from 127b row 2 aisle to 214b row 1 somewhere middle.

What's lame is I could not move myself cause it was a downgrade. Ridiculous! They red-ed out all the sections below Cat 1 for me.... I don't recall what lame-ass excuse was given for why that is but if they wanted to hide behind it being a technical issue its so very farcical. Clearly they only want to show equal or higher prices. They won't let you shop lower. That is not very fan friendly, but I don't expect much from them anyway.

So I had to give the lady on the phone the general area I wanted. Not my rep, because when my rep called I told her I would handle it myself and hung up when she went on to survey me after I told her I got this. I didn't realize they were going to block me from seeing downgraded options, so I had to call back.

So I told this new lady I wanted the closest thing to row 1 in 214b but I would take 215 or 214A on either side. Pretty simple instructions right? So she pitches me 3 seats a few rows back from the front. I said I don't want 3 seats, I only want to move my 2 seats, whats the closes 2 seats to the front? And she goes, oh ya know what I overheard some people moving I can give you two in row 1. Ain't that just a fackin Christmas miracle that I would call at the exact time as someone moved :unamused:, good thing i didn't take that 3 seats further away from where I asked huh?
That's not a flaw -- that's how it's designed.

They want to get you on the phone before you downgrade. Yankees do the same.