A Letter to Patricof

Update. Here's an email I received this morning:


We took a few steps last night but are aware that the situation was worse last night and figuring out what the next best step is

Will be in touch


Sent from my iPhone

And my response with all new names added.

Hi Jon,

Thanks for the update. That mirrors what I have heard from people at the game last night. (Alas, last night was my first missed match in two years.)

There are some ideas being shared around among my group and I’m happy to discuss and/or send them to you if you are interested. Please let me know.

Also, please see below some additional STH who have asked to be represented as co-signers on the original letter.

Will let you all know of any reply.
Just an FYI: it sounded like some people in 236 were chanting "ohhhhhhh you suck" in the manner of/as an alternative to the p*to chant. But if you were further away/didn't know, you might have misheard
The second and/or third time Seitz was about to take a goal kick in the 2nd half I heard that as well. Seemed like there was a legit effort to overpower the p*to chanters.

so thats what it was...i heard the Ahhh part but didnt know what was said before.

As for the puto chant....man maybe because i didnt drink at all this time but probably heard it coming from many sections i think even the ones in front. i even told my friend next to me " yo we so getting fined for this, sounded loud and clear"

EDIT: i guess up to this point it felt like every sections had their own thing going so i could not tell what it was when like 10 things are being said.
View attachment 5775 Is reddit referring to this- the Third Rail pigeon flag? Based on the photo posted on there and fact the poster couldn't even really tell where where it was, I think they think they saw something that wasn't there.

This was it. Not sure if it was at the match last night. But if it was, or ever, damn. Just sad. Amazing how ignorant youth is today.

Ok, so that pic was posted on Twitter during US Open Cup match V Cosmos. I'd be suspicious of anything Nazi related posted by Cosmos fans

So you think our supporters brought it to the US open match this year or last and had it stolen, or cosmos fans made it themselves to frame our supporters?
So you think our supporters brought it to the US open match this year or last and had it stolen, or cosmos fans made it themselves to frame our supporters?
I mean either is a possibility; you can still see the creases in the flag, like right out of the package. Some people are hell bent on making us look bad. You do have to consider the source of this pic tho as that group has ulterior motives
I remember watching Spanish language broadcast of a Mexico national team game recently where the chant was pretty loud. The announcers would yell over it every time with "futbol!"

Maybe we get creative with a rhyming word to drown out the idiots.

Like "Meatball!" or "Rainbow!"

Rainbow might be nice to counteract the bigotry.