Addition Of Location Under Avatar


Seasoned Supporter
Due to the global membership of this forum I propose the addition of a field for the member's geographical location under their avatar. If properly used by members this would help inform discussions by giving participants a quick and easy way to know a little more about their fellow forum members. I know that this info can be put into your profile but that requires navigating away from the discussion for each person you want to know about. Members should have control over what appears in this field so that they can divulge as little or as much as they want.
On my profile it says "Ya Sistas House" for my location
Yea. Things like that were funny when my friends and I were 13 as well!

But to the OP's point...I agree. There are some times where knowing where the person is from could help me put there comments into better perspective. While I don't care too much about specific cities/towns, it does help when you know someone is from the UK for example in some posts.
I agree. There have been times that I've looked up a members profile to see where they were from in order to make sense of some comments.
Let me see what I can do with that. So far NO profile fields are visible under name. Not sure if that's just the default setting or just how Xenforo operates to streamline the look. I'll check it out and get back to you.
Been sick last couple of days so I've been slacking s bit.