Announcement: Nycfc Forums Party

You're all invited to join us on March 14th at Ryan's Daughter! The event will begin at 5. Bar will be open all day so you're welcome to show up earlier. The upstairs private area will open at 5.
Ryan's Daughter is our Official NYCFC Forums bar.
All the members that have been there so far love it and have nothing but good things to say.
We will have complimentary food. @Michael. Mellamphy will be cooking up Shepheards Pie and Fireball Buffalo Wings and the bar will feature drink specials just like on game days.
$4 Domestic Bottles
$5 Drafts

This will be a great opportunity to introduce everyone to the bar. Mick was down in Charleston supporting the team. Will be in Orlando as well. I'm proud to support him as well by hosting our party at his location.

There will be free NYCFC stickers as well as Forums stickers.
Throughout the night we'll also be giving away our Forums shirts. @northernburbs has been extremely generous and printed our shirts for us. Can't thank him enough. They look amazing! Thanks to @Przemek Michalowicz for the design as always.
We have 35 to give away in various sizes from S-2XL. I've promised a few to myself, @einwindir, @Falastur and Mick of course so that's why there isn't 40. The shirts will be FREE. If you want to make a donation afterwards feel free to via your profile 'Account Upgrades' but not necessary at all. This community is growing every day thanks to all of you and this is our way of saying thank you.

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If you can make it please come out! Even if for an hour. Great opportunity for the members here to meet with each other, drink some beer, eat delicious food, support a great business that's supporting NYCFC and have an amazing time.
We have a great community here. Would love to meet as many of you as possible and thank you personally for supporting us.
We'll send a couple emails out over the next two weeks as reminders. Season or no season this event is ON. Can't wait to meet everyone!

Ryan's Daughter
350 E 85th St
New York, NY 10028-4502
United States
Maybe I missed it. What's the best subway to take there?
Maybe I missed it. What's the best subway to take there?
Take the 4,5 or 6 to 86 St. The 4&5 are express. If it's pouring and you don't want to walk from Lexington ave, you can transfer to the 86st Bus going east and get off on 1st ave and walk down 2 blocks.
So how long you think this will go on tonight? I got called into work and won't be able to make it. I think I'll be out by 11 tonight so was hoping I still had a chance
We're not sure about an end time - we have no firm plans. It'll pretty much run until everyone decides to call it a night. We'll send out a tweet on the forum account when it's starting to wind down and get quieter so if you haven't seen that tweet yet then hopefully there's still time.
We going to head up there in a little bit from Brooklyn. There better be a couple of those bottle openers left when we get there
Hmmm not sure where I could get it to you to be honest. I was hoping to give them all away that night since I'm in a hotel and would rather not lug a box back to it. You don't have to be there at 5. The event will run into the night. Until things clear up.
If you find you can't make it at all send me a message and I'll see what I can do.
Hey Dan I won't be able to make it till late, like 9 or 10. any chance you could hold an extra large for me?
Really wanted to go. Instead watching my kids play Super Mario 3D, while babysitters are on vacation.

You win, world. You win.
Really upset. In jersey and can't make it I dont think.
Hmmm not sure where I could get it to you to be honest. I was hoping to give them all away that night since I'm in a hotel and would rather not lug a box back to it. You don't have to be there at 5. The event will run into the night. Until things clear up.
If you find you can't make it at all send me a message and I'll see what I can do.

Dan it was awesome to meet many of you at the party - and take picture. The ambiance at Mick's -Ryans's place was phenomenal . My friend d and I had a great time . We did not wanted to leave .
Met a great bunch of supporters last week. Looking forward to meeting loads more of you guys on here too.

MICK , we LOVE your place . !!!!!! Adopt me as a long lost relative from South America. Lol. I had a great time - Your Shepard's pie was delicious. Remenbering my grandma's advice that is not polite , I did not licked the plate. LOL
Thank you for hosting (NYCF _ forum member and fans . Your pub is one of a kind place to relax , have fun, share stories, enjoy drinks, meet other NYCFC fans and regular patrons. some of the patrons were curious and I had fun telling telling them why we were there. Maybe we will make the 50 K plus attendance. My friend and i decided we wanted to come back again. Next time you will have to kick us out.
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