Despite never having any intention to be in the supporters section during home games (although I will try to go to the TR bar during away games when possible), I'm a paid member of the TR and will continue to be indefinitely just because I want to support the supporters. My view of this is similar to what has been discussed in the NYCFC Social section of the forum: At my age I'm not the kind of guy that wants to stand for 90 minutes and sing/chant (especially for weekday games after work) but I still want NYCFC to have a strong, well-organized supporters group and having that necessitates a financial aspect. So, paying my yearly dues to the TR is my main involvement right now.
As for the remark posted above that TR officers might be getting paid a portion of the dues, I have serious doubts that is the case. Having a supporters group with what is currently the sole responsibility of creating a "supporters" culture/in-game atmosphere is not an easy task and there are expenses that come along with it. One such expense that some may over look in relation to the 2014 partial year dues is the formation of the Third Rail corporate entity (which is absolutely necessary for liability purposes, collecting funds, paying bills, etc.) and that requires things like legal fees, formation/filing/publication fees with the State of New York as well as tax issues. It's not just tifo costs, although I'm sure that is a large chunk of the budget.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents and it's not intended to ruffle any feathers.