Ben Sherman Menswear Brand Announce Deal With Nycfc

so anytime the team travels the players will be wearing these balzers?
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If the players wear these as they enter the stadium from the bus they'll look pretty damn good. Especially Mix
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In before someone complains about Ben Sherman's British roots.
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Reactions: Kjbert
Don't care too much for Ben Sherman, as it's mostly Paul Smith knock-offs and they put their branding mark too visible on everything. I'm also an admitted snob about shit like that. Hey, we all have flaws.

That said, I rsvp'ed yes with a plus 1, not sure if I'll make it though. In-laws coming to town means I have to clean. Also, I started wondering exactly how much I'd have to say to Brovsky. "Cool stache. Great tweeter. Have you thought about becoming a mixologist?" That's it. I'd be out after that.
ugh, sorry, i'm no fan of players traveling in blazers . . . i like them in their matching warm-ups so their a walking brochure of the stuff i want to buy. :D
ugh, sorry, i'm no fan of players traveling in blazers . . . i like them in their matching warm-ups so their a walking brochure of the stuff i want to buy. :D
They have to wear suits in the NHL, but not matching ones. My dudes Brent Burns and Jason Demers have that shit on lock.

