The third rail has a David Villa one that is pretty bad ass.
Andale, Andale, David Villa Villa ut-oooooooooh! (who's scorin' tonight?)
Andale, Andale, villa ut-oh! (Get the pass right, he scorin' eynight)
people are still there part hoes till 5Can we get someone who went to the meeting today to give a rundown?
I have know idea why my phones but yeah lets go with itOf i knew thered be hoes I would have gone
who is this Gabe fellow?I was there. As for chants, they had some. They weren't that great or inspiring. At least at first listen.
They asked if anyone in the crowd had ideas or suggestions... then shit got magical...
This guy named Gabe dropped 2 chants (out of many) that he had in his phone.
The first one was great. I can't remember what it was because the second one fired me up so much.
We are N-Y-C-F-C!//
From the Bronx all the way down to the battery//
We are N-Y-C-F-C!//"
And the crowd cheered. Then they sang it again. It was awesome.
Do you have of them posted anywhere? I'd like to listen to them
based to "knickknack paddywhack FYI" and it was SICK people got jacked up about it in the meeting.I was there. As for chants, they had some. They weren't that great or inspiring. At least at first listen.
They asked if anyone in the crowd had ideas or suggestions... then shit got magical...
This guy named Gabe dropped 2 chants (out of many) that he had in his phone.
The first one was great. I can't remember what it was because the second one fired me up so much.
We are N-Y-C-F-C!//
From the Bronx all the way down to the battery//
We are N-Y-C-F-C!//"
And the crowd cheered. Then they sang it again. It was awesome.
The third rail has a David Villa one that is pretty bad ass.
Andale, Andale, David Villa Villa ut-oooooooooh! (who's scorin' tonight?)
Andale, Andale, villa ut-oh! (Get the pass right, he scorin' eynight)