Claudio Reyna On The Michael Kay Show


Mar 19, 2014
Down & Out
Being interviewed right now (ESPN NY radio/YES Network tv). Right now talking WC. Let's see if they bring up NYCFC at all.
Interview was short and sweet. There was nothing really earth shattering said. Reyna was very honest when he said the coverage the WC has been getting is great for the game, but he realizes all the euphoria will probably end in a week or two. NYCFC will try to capitalize on the WC, but they realize they (and MLS) still have a lot of work to do.

I appreciate the coverage Kay & La Greca have been giving soccer over the past week or so. In all my years I've never seen our game get this much coverage..........especially on sports talk radio. It really is unprecedented.

Although I wish Kay would STFU with his bitching and moaning about extra time. :D He simply can't grasp the concept.

Here's the link if anyone is interested:
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