COVID-19 - Leagues Suspended

I'm assuming holding MLS Cup later would require an agreement to be reached with the PA. Otherwise we would also have to delay the start of next season, which will already be congested with WCQ's and Gold Cup.
The emails every company is sending to assure me that they care deeply about my health and safety are becoming as rote and welcome as the GDPR emails a couple of years ago when they all wanted to tell me how much they valued my privacy.
The emails every company is sending to assure me that they care deeply about my health and safety are becoming as rote and welcome as the GDPR emails a couple of years ago when they all wanted to tell me how much they valued my privacy.

413Blue deeply cares about the health and safety of you and your family. I want you to know that I am taking every precaution to keep my posts safe and sanitary so that you can continue to enjoy the forums without stress.

Be safe

Your friend and family at
I'm assuming holding MLS Cup later would require an agreement to be reached with the PA. Otherwise we would also have to delay the start of next season, which will already be congested with WCQ's and Gold Cup.

Dunno if the player agreement requires then to have a certain off season length.. but nothing wrong with them having a shorter off season and starting the 2021 season on time.

Most is this virus killing our stadium plans? We can't catch a break!
Dunno if the player agreement requires then to have a certain off season length.. but nothing wrong with them having a shorter off season and starting the 2021 season on time.

Most is this virus killing our stadium plans? We can't catch a break!
We currently have an off-season that is 3 weeks longer than it used to be because they moved the end of the season and playoffs up 3 weeks without altering the start of the season. I have also read we have one of the longest soccer off-seasons in the world now. They should have some flexibility unless the new CBA enshrined this new longer long off-season in it.
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Dunno if the player agreement requires then to have a certain off season length.. but nothing wrong with them having a shorter off season and starting the 2021 season on time.

Most is this virus killing our stadium plans? We can't catch a break!
The last agreement, and i presume this one as well, has a minimun number of days between MLS Cup and reporting for training next season.
That could lead to canceling the playoffs and making the point total the champion, even if an unbalanced schedule. There’s not enough time to reschedule postponed matches and have the playoffs.

They would shorten the regular season before they even thought about cutting the playoffs.
They would shorten the regular season before they even thought about cutting the playoffs.
How do you shorten the regular season if the postponed games are all rescheduled? Might as well just cancel the postponed games.
Netflix should offer 30 days free to everyone. People would get hooked on it.

it’s how you get heroin addicts. First taste is free.

we all seem to have VPNs on here for “watching soccer”. Just saying...
The basic civic illiteracy of this article infuriates me. Katie Porter is not a hero for grilling an CDC director into implementing her preferred policy. She is a member of Congress failing to do her job. You know what Congress has the power to do?

Set taxes.
Create budgets.
Implement policy and spending priorities.

But they stopped doing this in any responsible fashion a few decades ago. Instead Congress -- both parties in full *-- pass broad laws with no detail and then sit back and blame others when they don't get the results they want. As a consequence we end up with the President, bureaucrats (appointed by the President), and judges (also appointed by the President) making policy decisions Congress lacks the courage to make themselves. Which is why every presidential election is an all-or-nothing death match that both sides believe they cannot afford to lose because Congress -- the most representative branch directly answerable to local constituents -- won't do what they are supposed to do and everything ends up in the hands of either the president or people the president appoints.

Congress just passed a $8.3 billion bi-partisan nearly unanimous funding bill directly addressing Corona. Was money for free tests in it? If not why not? Also if not, then that's the fault of Congress -- not the CDC head. If such funding was specified, then the CDC head shouldn't be in a position to make a contrary decision. The idiot cheerleading Rolling Stone reporter does not even think to provide this information or ask the questions that would shed light on it.

* This really is a both sides thing and not recent. In the past 50-70 years we have had periods of both houses controlled by Democrats, both by Republicans, and mixed control. In none of those periods has Congress asserted -- and taken responsibility for -- its full powers as provided in the Constitution. Instead they defer almost all specific decisions to administrators under the control of the Executive Branch, because congressional members realized they can pass these vague laws, then sit back, and point figures, which is easier than actually making specific decisions and taking responsibility.
I don’t know that this is the place to really dig into a discussion of the administrative state, but I think two points bear noting:

(1) It’s a little hard to pin Congress’s passivity as a body on one single congresswoman “failing to do her job.” If the body won’t act, for reasons of habit or whatever, it seems to me she’s precisely doing her job by pursuing the levers actually available to implement policies she believes are in the interests of the country and her constituents. This is effective representation, given institutional factors outside of her individual control.

(2) Looks like Congress is in fact going to fund testing by legislative action. And I’d venture to say that Porter securing this commitment here makes it a lot easier to get it in the legislation there, simply as a matter of negotiation.

Not to get too morbid and political, but considering the mortality rate for older patients with COVID-19, I put together this nifty chart with our nation's order of succession cross referenced by age. Shall we guess who our next President could be in a few months?

Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 8.38.52 PM.png
Regarding MLS, I interpreted the suggestion that it would move missed games to season’s end as meaning full playoffs would come after. In other words the season ends later and full playoffs follow and the whole things finishes later than usual.

I think that is the most likely meaning.
How do you shorten the regular season if the postponed games are all rescheduled? Might as well just cancel the postponed games.

Them saying they're tacking the games on is a best-case scenario where they actually return on April 12, or whatever the date is. The chance MLS actually returns in 30 days seems fairly remote. I don't think we see any sports games in any league in America until at least May. And if that happens, it seems hard to imagine how we can play a full 34 games unless the season goes to Christmas.