Someone else put together the net worth numbers to back up my stance on ownership:
1. Detroit - $5.8 billion+ (Dan Gilbert only, not counting Tom Gores)
2. Nashville - $4.2 billion (Jon Ingram only, not counting Wilf)
3. Cincinnati - $1.7 billion (Charles Lindner III)
Phoenix's lead investor is Berke Bakay, who's estimated net worth is around $100 million. Yikes.
Steve Malik (Raleigh) and Bill Edwards (Tampa) are also likely to be well below Lindner.
Remember, ownership is the #1 factor. Detroit is a shoe-in. This also explains why Garber has been so high on Nashville as well.
#2 is a stadium proposal, which is sort of binary. Either you have it or you don't.
And #3 is financial projections, corporate support, and fan support. We usually focus on this topic as fans when debating expansion teams, but #1 is the bigger controlling factor.
If you're not on this list, you're a long shot: